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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. yay... we don't have to listen to Madden this year !!!
  2. Correction, every big market city with a retractable roof!!! I think it is shame that the NFl is trying to turn the game into arena football. Football and baseball, and soccer are meant to be played outside, not indoors (god, i sound like a parent now ) I think that it is a disgrace to the game for the SB not to be played in the snow every once in a while. I think it would make some of these games interesting (ie. The Jags and Cardinals in a Super Bowl up here, while it snows 2 ft during the game).
  3. OMFG that was incrediblyawful. So bad, it was hysterical. That would have been better to watch than AssLee Shrimpson, and the others at the national championship game.
  4. like a true Frenchman. oh wait that should be my rant in the PPP forum
  5. Sean Taylor is a second year player. That is absurd to be skippin both of those camps. That is like a young worker out of college, refusing overtime or the company paying for your masters. Remember if it were not for Rosenhaus pridelessly promoting MacGahee, we might have been able to take him in the 2nd or 3rd round.
  6. i don't understand why edwards wouldn't be a possibility as he did record over 5 sacks in limited playing time last year
  7. My condolences to you Ramius. I hope that you are taking this well man.
  8. When I worked at Darien Lake, i had some of the other food stand managers asking me "are there really two doolar bills?" Just because they would get them and thought it was a joke. So we have this one manager who ran the beer place, and she was as dumb as a rock. we tell her that she has to accept the two dollar bills and we show her one. the next she accepted monopoly money Though, it was pretty easy to fool her, with me being 16 at the time and getting free beer from her. "yeah, I am 21" and I didn't look like I could pass for 12 at the time
  9. it was an article from the Baltimore Sun
  10. he gives a bad name to all the bikers that still look like that.
  11. With this being for a keeper league, the younger guys are going to be ranked high. As it was said earlier "when was the last time a denver RB had a bad season." McGahee may have a spot or two too high but the author at least made good reason why he put him there with "2 Willis McGahee Bills 24 If he's this good one year after surgery, upside is unlimited … Only worry is strong defensive division." Btw, i good a good kick out of this one "74 Adi Echemandu Browns 25 Good Scrabble score."
  12. Why do you keep saying Jacko, and getting off? kinda sounds perverted
  13. That is awesome, you just a funny quote from Pulp fiction even funnier
  14. RJ, as someone who has had to deal with Adelphia and Time Warner. Time Warner is 1000% better than Adelphia ever was towards me. Also, Time Warner was considerably cheaper.
  15. Steve, I agree that it is rough. the parents knew what was going to happen. After that girl was let go from the meet, they should have told her to brace herself, if she doesn't get in the game
  16. right now i am taking a coaching sports class at Brockport. Also, I have volunteered at varsity level for a couple sports. The situation with having a track meet the same day as that game is rough, but you roll with punches. Just think about it this way tho, it is one less problem that you may have to encounter
  17. I have club dread. It is a good film, funny as hell, but nowhere near the same league as Super troopers. I say borrow it from buddy, if your able to.
  18. Ron Mexico is an alias that the Vick supposedly goes by
  19. a couple more from me Hu Yao Bang (fmr. chinese leader) Harry Balsogna
  20. "there is no p***y on this vick"
  21. ahh crap... i got class at 9:30 everyday, so i cant do it Edit: yes i was late for class when i posted that
  22. rich. when monday and how long wiil it take?
  23. I wonder what the Real Ron Mexico thinks ROn Mexico
  24. Let's hope not, but we all know that vick does wear the rotating cup for his herpes
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