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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I abolutely agree here too. SPR was one hell of a film, and I am sure that many people are like us, when we are able to watch this movie over and over. Also, SPR was much better than Pearl Harbor and Titanic (another good flick), and most other movies in the historical events family of movies
  2. Tyler Durden: You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your !@#$ing khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.
  3. Well jeesz, man your standard seems to be changin from "great" movies to the classics. Many great movies from the 40's- 70's are completely lost on my generation, not because of quality issues, but progression in film. Only Legendary films can stand the test of time for that long. There are some years where you none of these films are released and others where there are a few. Saying what you think is a great movie, does not make it a classic. Instead, a widespread opinion tends to determine if a movie belongs in such a category. Personally, i think your taste is really neglectful of certain genres of film, as some of them do not require the best acting, but a good plot, production, etc. can make the movie legendary. Blazing Saddles had some pretty cheesy acting, but the movie has stood the test of time and my generation has great respect for that movie
  4. Billy Joe Hobert Chris Watson Rian Lindell
  5. Wow, you definitely seem to have a bias against the comedies. Also, I do not see how you can say that Saving Private Ryan, Good Will Hunting, There is Something About Mary are not great movies. Besides, the movies that are in the top 10 typically are there because many like those films.
  6. I second that. and go as far as saying that I don't want to see us wasting another season on someone who isn't the answer
  7. ] Dave??? I believe he is that guy who is best known for spiking the punch at an elementary school dance. He also earned some notoriety for giving patients at an old folks home excessive amounts of X-Lax.
  8. which i just happened to watch. "Randy, Randy, Randy!!!" I love the obvious rocky rip on that
  9. Agreed. especially the ones about little league baseball, Terri Schavo, and the sex change. I was rolling on the floor about them. Lately, Parker and stone have turned up the intensity on modern issues, and crossed lines that no one dares to come close to.
  10. Kinda fittin that your avatar is one of those movies
  11. Forrest Gump Fight Club Super Troopers South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut Remember the Titans Anchorman Saving Silverman Any Given Sunday Orgazmo Jerry Maguire
  12. yeah but realisticly, no one would pick UB over 'Cuse for football. 'Cuse just has a better tradition and program.
  13. Wanting to tie myself to train tracks, I am. Filled with stupidity, Pompei is...
  14. I inhale some cocaine and it clears me right up.
  15. wow the ravers should start trading Jamal Lewis, Ray Lewis and Suggs to the Raida's, so they can clean up their image w/o diluting the image of the Raida's
  16. TD made this thread last this long. Seriously april 26 till now. The darkside is strong in him.
  17. That and the fact that his parents pretty crappy to him. Most people that are beaten bad as kids by adults (parents, priests, babysitters) tend to be really screwed up for a long. I speak from experience on this.
  18. Gotta love the top 10 tonight on sportscenter as it shows the ten best sound bytes of Tyson.
  19. I can understand portis and bailey being on the list, but not vick. Spikes worse than Urlacher and Al Wilson??? urlacher is overrated, and i don't understand shockey being on that list either as i can think of 40 players better than him (that are listed behind him or not listed) and probably two or three more at his position alone (Especially Alge Crumpler)
  20. Granted, this prolly should not be a big deal, let alone illegal. However, the people at photo places look at the film for a reason, as you would want the local perv developing all of his pics of extremely underage kids doin nasty crap.
  21. I guess I was a late bloomer, as I didn't break 143 until i was in 10th grade
  22. Milloy just because he knows how to put a licking on a somebody
  23. I saw Episode III last nite, and I had to say that the experience of this one was incredible. I'm just a little young to be at the theaters for 4-6, but this was the best experience I had at any of the first three. IMHO, I would think that it would be great to have the 4th-6th movies remade in the next 10-15 years. I think the CGI would help intensify the quality of the stories, provided that they stuck to the way of those stories were before. I know a few may want to leave it as it is, but I beleive that when watching all six together the technology difference between 3 and 4 (in terms of filmmaking) takes away from 4 and so on with 5+6.
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