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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. remember they got vinny. laughter aside, the only team he could seem to beat the last few years he was on the Jess was the bills. so that kinda scares me
  2. and the next was even goin out w/ federline, let alone contaminating the rest of the world with another dirty federline
  3. actually aciphex(same family of meds as prilosec), and after mail in rebate it comes out to be free for me .
  4. donahoe is the reason that Tyson is still fighting... and committing crimes
  5. lol it would be all good but i am only a college student so no loss of job, etc...
  6. I have to thank everyone who wished me lucked last month when i was told that i had a heart condition. I didn't want everyone to know that i was told that i was going to die by the doctors. I was a total wreck for about a week, but after a lot of testing, a specialist concluded that my doctor is total moron, and incorrect. As for why i was experiencing breathing problems, it has been found that i have severe acid reflux, which has eroded my esophagus to the point where it was expanded and blocking my trachea. this made it really hard to breathe at times but i am under a few different meds right now to control it and i am allowed to finnaly work out and resume activities. My NEW doctor has given me the green light to living my life again. _ Thank you all again.
  7. O.J. was found liable to pay her family a $#!Tload of $, because they believed that he was responsible for the murder. The thing is that they did not prove it. On the other hand an L.A. court couldn't convict robert blake whose alibi was that he went to get his gun.
  8. it is a possibility to use neufeld as n H-back as they did last year too. he did look ok in pass portection too
  9. the cap ramifications of tradining smith would be too much for getting rid of him for leinhart (too much dead cap $ as a result of tradin him)
  10. yeah but look at bucknell's new bison logo. that is badass. if the bills had a logo like that it would be a bigger sell than the charging buffalo that we have now.
  11. smart post steve. I believe that there will be less to's but i do think mcgahee will play like a madman on sunday. also, i hope our D is wearing spermcide on sundya so they don't fall victim to mexico
  12. love you too cablelady ::hugs::
  13. thank you!!!
  14. lol VA man. chillax out dude. just because a guy has only a fraction of the million and one posts does not mean that his/ her opinion is less valuable than yours. having the 140 post wonders posting as well the 10000 plus post members on here is what makes the board what it is. IMHO i think you are acting more like the departed members than max does.
  15. it was an inexperienced mistake. it was not a good idea to pass in that situation.
  16. agreed, i am appalled to see people callin for his head already. i do think what MM did in giving him a series off was bright, but it also shows the character of the guy.
  17. that is what being a fan is all about, unlike the bandwagon jumpers that like the cowboys and broncos abd patriots, etc...
  18. well, maybe we should lock them up in a small area and let the fumes get to them
  19. very well put... we prolly have a middle of the road team that played like crap today against a quality opponent. I think all reasonable fans should be happy with a record around .500 this year
  20. i agree frez... just remember to get an anal bum cover with ron mexico coming to town
  21. chill out man, every team has a bad game here and there. besides roscoes prescence may not have done much as josh reed was the most consistent receiver today
  22. all right be honest here... what bills fan didn't expect a few games like this with a young QB. It complicated things when the bucs screwed the bills over with uniforms in 100 degree heat index. but back to point any reasonable bills fan has to expect games like this in near future as JP develops. Also, in hindsight pullin losman was a good move, as it sparked a fire under him
  23. Risking your life for millions and to set up your family for life? hell i think i would do it but the is my $.02.
  24. umm i have to ask how is fassel on the next wave as the ravens offensive coordinator??? the ravens offense is a joke unless anthony wright makes something happenbut i am guessin that they will stick boller just bacuse he was a first rounder.
  25. nice rt. I have to say tampa's running game, if cadillac williams is held under 50 yds. the bills win
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