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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I thought this was going to be somewhat like my avatar
  2. umm i think you missed the point. all the bills would have for depth at LB is Haggan and Ezekiel, while you would have sam and anderson rotating and bannan and Sape riding the pine. this means the coaches physically couldn't do it with any rational reason .
  3. better the 9-7? With all of these people complaining about the season being a wash or put in losman or we need kelly, people are missing the big picture. This is a 9-7 team that lost its startng QB had no major free agent acquisitions, and lost a run stuffer, an a pretty decent LT. When our biggest acquistion is another backup QB, we are not doin a lot. IT also hurts when coming into the season, you have your top 2 picks injured for a good chunk of the season, and one of last years picks also. For all of your crazy people, take your anti-depressants, or smoke a joint or do whatever that relaxes you, because this will not be an easy season as a bills fan. That being said the Bills have caught some rough breaks this year, but as a fan I will weather the storm. I will hope that Losman develops into a game breaker or at least better than Eli. I will hope for Edwards and TKO to recover for next year. In the offseason, i hope that TD cuts off some of the dead weight on the line and finally gets someone who can block on the left side of the line.
  4. thats how they dress not how they look.... i meant it more as in something you can't change (skin, hair, eyes, etc.) unless you are michael jackson.
  5. I think that the coke thing is classist, and matter of fact is that there are more poor white people than there are poor (insert other race) people in this country. Thus the claim the anything against the poor in general is racist is invalid and warrants no merit jesus christ i am actually starting to sound like a math professor, creepy... And as far as these poor girls being exploited and brainwashed like such is a total travesty. I think we should tie up all of these white supremeicsts and subject them to the tortures that they have given Blacks, Jews, Natives et al. I am saying this as a white man, as i feel there is no reason to hate anyone based on anything other than who the person is, (not what they look like.)
  6. even tho i know french and what a beautiful language it is, i must say the whole idea of batman in french is just one incredibly huge gay joke
  7. joe panos maybe? he did suck big time too
  8. OMFG that was pretty damn funny. I think it was funny to see those Asian Boys doing that ****
  9. you can download that through the widnows updates page
  10. " Koold Aid: OH yeah jimmy: Oh No ...."
  11. well no sunday nite game... think of the positives. We don't have to listen to Theisman and the worst crew in football. Or hear stories about Paul McGuire When he played ball back in the sixties.
  12. this is just begging for a dane cook refereence. "Kool Aid man: Oh Yeah Dane: Oh No! You clean that mess up. My Dad is gunna kick my ass for this mess you made"
  13. "I taken more steroids than romanowski" "I have as many convicted misdemeneanors as da raida's offensive line, and i am committing a felony right now of kidnapping."
  14. almost every other highpaying job has a cartain style of dress expected out of the worker. I don't see what makes NBA players so special. its bad enough the product is so overpriced and players are too.
  15. "Chicago is reporting that the death toll is in the billions" I thought the episode was hilarious. especially whne Cartman was right about the Jew Gold around Kyle's neck FYI the number cartman episode was Scott Tedorman must die A Classic, when cartman wears his pubes on his face. Comedy Central also played the movie at 130 saturday and sunday nights uncut uncensonred as well as the season 1 finale of drawn together uncut uncensored (F*ck you Fatty FUPA). did anyone catch drawn together last nite? i thought that was pretty damn funny too. (as i am rubbing my nipples ala capt. hero)
  16. ah we got to love how great the Vikings Franchise is. One must wonder how long Tice will last with the Vikes before he gets blackballed from the league? The sex boat, the whizzinator, randy running over a female cop... the list keeps going on and on :-D
  17. intentional mispel. i show no respect for the guy as a commentator, some for him being a punter.
  18. Just on SportsCenter, the question was asked about who was the greatest passer- receiver duo ever after marvin and peyton broke the record. Salisbury answered "even as great as marvin and peyton have been, and Kelly and Reed were I have to say Montana to Rice." The toolClayton replies back " I have to say Aikman and Irivin" Salisbury ripped him a new one. This further shows how idiotic Clayton is and people should not take his word for much value/
  19. why not paul mcguire? isn't he not an important enough person with his commentating skills? oh wait wrong thread
  20. young female who likes sports and public nudity, looking for a pimp daddy to take care of me
  21. yeah, most of them do suck but madden is hit or miss. i think the video game ruins him in a way because you hear the phrases at inappropriate times. overall the sunday nite crew oughta be beaten with a stick, especially theismann. paul mcguire disappoints me for being a former bill. when listening to theismann, i want to offer LT some coke if he could duplicate that hit that hsattered theismann's leg
  22. on the one big run schobel took on a blocker and posey should have mad the play but was caught out of position
  23. Moorman is probably is as mobile as those guys and probably more mobile than JP. a D-II National Champ at 400 hurdles and 2nd place finisher at the 110 hurdles must have a ton of speed and mobility. Now I just wish EA Sports would incorporate his athletic ability into Madden so i didn't have to change his speed and acceleration ratings to make them realistic.
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