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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. yeah, if i were marv, i would send him as much as he can handle. you know the same style as the university of colorado coach did. j/k Seriously, i think he is a good lineman, but 6-7 million may be a reach for an interior lineman
  2. With a new CBA, the cap is expected to go up another 5 million.
  3. that is correct. so if you guess on every problem... it is likely that you score around a 12.
  4. I agreed with webster guy for the most part. I do have to say that i never have thought that Vince Young was one of the top QB's in the draft. If he didn't have a hell of a game in the championship, i believe that no one would be talking about him as a top 10 pick. I also think he would have done better with another year in college
  5. Yeah, he got his education in a state where bushed "supported" education, but never funded it. The U of Tex is not known for their Rhodes Scholars. I mean after all look at Mike Williams, look at that sorry waste of space, he was about as bright at as a 1 watt nitelite. This is probably the sign that VY's stock is goin to drop. This also means that VY will feel liked he just got KY'd by a guy Named Bubba
  6. I find it funny that some of the better edgier logos are mentioned as bad ie.) the iggles which i think is bada$$. but how is the old patsies one not mentioned for worst of all time. It looked like John Hancock taking a dump.
  7. How is this not football related? The guy did mention the fact that our line has sucked the past umteen years, and that there are kazillions of people on this planet to choose from.
  8. Good. I really think that he was overrated by the draft gurus. I think that he should have stayed for his senior year, and another crack at the title, which in turn would have allowed him more time to develop before going pro
  9. not too mention our top Corner/returner was I-AA, our punter was D-II, and our middle linebacker was D-III
  10. too small? Milloy was one of the best safeties in the league. So size is definitely not the issue. While I grant you that Milloy wasn't at the top of his game last year. He did record 106 tackles, and mostly had to stay in for run support due to the injuries to TKO and Edwards. The issue for him is age, he is starting to lose a step, not as bad as Vincent, but still the Bills should look to be drafting someone else.
  11. He did say "poor levy" as if he had no clue what he was doing. Regardless, Clayton, looks like a guy that should be a porn critic not a not football beat writer
  12. Ok while marijuana is semi-accepted socially, Let's suppose Ricky was the posterchild for Camel cigarettes. What kind of message is that goin to send to kids who idolize him. The fact of the matter is that weed is on the pro sports lists because it gives a bad rap to players, and the corporate $ which funds most of the pro sports market shuns upon it. Basically, the man put a rule down, he broke the rule. just like if you or i in a decent paying job get caught doing that crap, we'd be in deep $#!T.
  13. I have babes sleeping next to me right now... keep it down i need some peace, or my junk is gunna be hurting after round 3 tonite.
  14. The compensation picks are awarded unjustly to teams like New England, by some pencil pusher who has the Pats on the superbowl pool. hence, he awards them a 3rd round pick for losing garbage players that were past their prime.
  15. Amen . to quote peter griffin,"that is the smartest thing that anyone has ever said about anything." I feel the same way: Legalize it, but if your bosses don't want you doing it, don't do it (or don't get caught). A hit off the pipe is not worth losing security and stability
  16. you have been posting great insightful stuff. Welcome
  17. Don't feel bad for him, he uses a substance his bosses tell him not to use, and he gets paid millions of dollars to play football a game that many would love to get paid to do. In the rest of the corporate world, you fail a drug test you'll go thru the same $#!T. As Mencia woudl say about Ricky Williams "Dee da Dee, you're retarded"
  18. 93 was the last season that the bills made it to the super bowl
  19. I disagree with you there. Size is a byproduct of three things: Genetics(height and body frame), coaching(practices and strength condition build muscle mass), and effort(more sets of pumpin iron, or eating more whoppers, however you want to see this component). The reality is that mike williams has a ton of size from those three components, and that he is really strong, the downfall on him is the effort component is suspect. From middle school level on up, you are coaching yopur kids to get in the weight room, which helps facilitate muscle growth at early age so they can retain and build this muscle mass easier as they get older.
  20. but didn't you see that his name is cameltoe? .... err... i mean turftoe
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