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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Maybe this enhancement will keep Mould's wife happy?
  2. Ramius it could be worse, we could have Ron Mexico and his 99 Herpes Rating, on this team as well as Randy McMichael's and Daunte Culpepper's Law Observance Ratings in the single digits.
  3. I agree that it is a great game, but i am really intrigued about EA's decision to jump into this market as it will essentially cause me not to buy madden, since that is what i do more with madden anyway.
  4. well that would mean that everyone is goin to jump on that ball after the whistle no matter what?
  5. Now, if we would have that in track, I'm sure guys would run faster for us (we both are coaches)
  6. where dan patrick and theisman will be amazibng at how many "hits" he has; meanwhile, some buffalo fan will notice that the stat counts when he was toking up some dope.
  7. I couldn't find anything about him being injured... he was on the dallas cowgirls last year. it looks like he just sat behind flozell adams (poor guy)
  8. To credit the devil he did make a good pick for Jennings and was right for letting him go to a crap team for that much money. and FYI Marcus Price was a journeyman FA that TD picked that i wish he would have retained last year as it would have given us flexibility with gandy and putting that tub of lard named anderson of the lineup
  9. i like your point, but look at who we had at DT in our 3-4 Wright and Lodish. not exactly bohemoths. I think that it could work w/ Tripplett As well as Fletch And Crowell up the middle, but who knows what grampa simpson is actually thinkin?
  10. is anyone thinking about the Bills switching back to the 3-4, cuz that could be possible as Ryan Denney is the classic 3-4 Strong side DE, and schobel would be the weak side DE. This would allow for Crowell to start at WILB and Fletcher at SILB, this would leave TKO at WOLB and Posey at SOLB. This may be a better option than using 2 DT's with poor depth at the position.
  11. Agreed, Hence the concepts of such VH1 shows as Celeb Fat Club and the Flava Flav show. I think we need to just let people have their 15 minutes and find someone else to replace them.
  12. quote: The 2006 emphasis on player safety will focus on discouraging low hits against quarterbacks. okay. so where the hell are you supposed to hit a quarterback? it is almost to the point where youcan't touch a quarterback
  13. I do not see that 'Aints picking up another DE, They have Will Smith high first round pick 2 years ago, as well as Charles Grant who is a 10 sack/year guy. DL is one the Aint's Strengths. I would expect them to look at D'Brick, Hawk, or trade.
  14. Okay, you are close to crusade territory for just consistantly rambling on the same point for different threads. Also, For what its worth, you are more or less in this thread just overkilling your point. I mean total thread hijack. You have stated your point, backed it up, and repeated it 25 times(not a real count) in this thread. IMO, just let people express their views but jump at every single post.
  15. They would have been royally screwed if it weren't for the CBA getting done as the last minute. So that is how Snyder gets it done, and we get to laugh when he grabs washed up players for rediculously high contracts.
  16. Ok fair enough, besides i am agnostic, that is the joke out of it. I am glad that you are so optimistic, but i just can't be optimistic after the past couple years and how this offseason started. That being said Go Abe Simpson and President Jasper.
  17. JSP i have to say i usually want to vomit when i read some of your posts (more of your political ones), but you have been spot on as of late.
  18. Even if McNabb is overrated, he was a damn good QB that could lead a team. and a great modrak pick
  19. The title of the thread makes me vomit. I like his moves so far, but unless he builds a team up that wins 7 Super Bowls in a row... ok 2 in a row, i will not consider him near a god. Fact is that Grandpa Simpson is a great coach, and proving himself as a GM. Let's just consider ourselves lucky if marv is alive in 5 years, let alone building a contender
  20. I like this pickup by Grandpa Simpson. Nall does follow the line of former Brett Farve backups that include Aaron Brooks, Steve Bono, Mark Brunell, Ty Detmer, Jim McMahon, and Matt Hasselbeck. With that in mind, we can hope that Nall enjoys a level of success near one of these guys. I do realize that BOne, and McMahon were past their primes also, but the others did well behind Farve. http://www.packers.com/history/all_time_ro...ination_search/
  21. Simply put, moulds is not worth the money he is commanding. While Evans and Reed were in buffalo during the last offseason working w/ JPL EM was not. That is a big reason why Evans and Reed were bigger targets to JPL and moulds was not. that being said, Let's see how they all get along this year.
  22. damn that nick knows how to pick 'em... i would mind motorboating either of them
  23. um i disagree w/ the pass rush as the bills were 12 th in the league in sacks this past year, 3rd in 04, 9th in 03. we have had more of a pass rush than people recognize of course it helps when schobel is getting a third or a fourth of the sacks and Edwards got a lot in 04 as did kelsay(compared to last year).
  24. congrats on the milestone. But yeah, i would be a little uneasy about Peters if he is moved over to the LT spot, since this would be his 3rd position in 3 years. The transition can't be too easy on the guy either. And please in the next 8000 posts keep the word "creaming" in the Off the Wall forum about the BOTD's instead here about a 340 pound man.
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