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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Threesome... that is so conservative. Now a days, we have foursomes, mfff, so there is more of the man to go around, and the girls have a little lesbian action while the dude recovers. It is essential to have a couple bottles of wine or a nice bottle of hard liquor for this long night.
  2. Linky to Article This is pretty crazy Just one thing after another for him
  3. indeed they are pretty self explanatory, and the new ones actually talk to you and tell you exactly what to do. you could probably have a 7 year old operate one of them (god forbid, the kids don't use it on each other for a rush)
  4. Are You goin deaf Gramps? Do I have to SCREAM to you? Happy super late b-day AiO
  5. if they are the only ones doing it, then yeah . But they can sue for a complimentary six pack of schlitz
  6. This is the No Fun League. And Goodell might be trying to make a legacy or an ass of himself
  7. I think i might nominate this for Tard of the Week. only if i don't see anything dumber from Last week's tard of the week
  8. I still wonder how Ray Lewis didn't get affected by the curse. Then again the guy gets away w/ murder too. <_<So, it would probably take an army to take him down.
  9. penalty goes to the home team. If the fans are excessively rowdy the NFL has a clause where they can move the game to an alternate site (most likely the other teams home field). This has been threatened on Philly fans more for throwing objects on the field but not for noise. The whole notion of penalizing a team for their fans making noise is total nonsense. That is like penalizing the home team for the streaker running through the field.
  10. i believe that new york state passed a law that every school has to have one per so much sq. ft and one by athletic facilities (I think that is what my red cross cpr cert teacher told me). I could be wrong, but at the colleges i have competed against and the high school i have coached at, there were defibrillators at just about all of them.
  11. Nice Fez, lol i kinda figured this was gunna be perverted but you got me there
  12. First Rule- You do not talk about Fight Club Second Rule- You do no talk about Fight Club Third Rule- When some says STOP or goes limp, the fight is over Fourth Rule- Only two guys to a fight Fifth Rule- One fight at a time Sixth Rule- No shirts, No shoes Seventh Rule- Fights go as long as they have to Eighth Rule- If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight.
  13. that is bad, but to compare pennington to montana is really bad. Montana is regarded as one of the greatest of all time. Pennington is nowhere near that, as this point.
  14. you guys are being pushed out, when i get done i plan to move west, just because i know that jobs this way are hard to come by
  15. yeah but here is the thing how long will the state take to give them that 20 million. Up here in brockport they promised the college 15 million to fund our field house that the student body agreed to pay half for 3 years ago. Then the state passes a law saying that no student gov't can raise money for a school building or something to that effect, and then states they are willing to commit the 30 million to it. IF they would have done stuff originally on time the field house/ rec center, would be completed next september. But as it stands, no money has been given by the state, even when they had a surplus last year. So, what I am saying is that we are expecting moeny from the state don't hold our breaths.
  16. AHHH jets fans are always good for a laugh. My old roomate Rob from Brooklyn was incredible for a laugh. we kept a quote board for all the random stuff we said, and most of it was from him when he was high. For example: he sees jimmy johnson on tv "Whoa, it looks he has spemicide in his hair" or Rob: Travis Henry sucks, he can't get a hundred yards against the Jets. Me: Yeah, Rob. I hate to tell you, he already has over a 100 yards and he got over a 100 yards last year in the season opener against you guys. (a few seconds later) Rob: He has a hundred yards already? What quarter is it? Me: Its the fourth and the Bills are winning by a lot Rob: Sh** I gotta stop smoking up. (he goes into his room and burns another one) I love intelligent Jet fans like that
  17. all you have to do is add a reply that sez bump
  18. please bump your previous thread instead of starting another
  19. ???= Mike Mularkey ???= Killdrive
  20. holy stevestojan, we love you like brother that was given up for adoption to the hussein family.
  21. agreeed... and i figure this deserves a bump for being so heinous. These freaks should be castrated. But i guess he'll get his punishment from the inmates when he gets thrown in prison.
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