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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Sadly, its the truth. but certain areas just haven't caught on to that fad called deodorant. I have worked the past couple summers painting my campus w/ at least a couple interantional students. and for some reason, one or two of them just reek to hell and i can't figure out how they have been here for a couple years and not picked up on that. That said they produce the nastiest scent i can imagine, well with exception to sitting in a cave full of guano.
  2. Orgazmo Sounds like Orgazmo the crime fighting porn star. aka the bastard child of Parker and Stone.
  3. nice i like when people get the title "entrepreneur" as a PC substitution for my source of income when i was 15
  4. any team facing oakland or tampa for the rest of the season
  5. Umm... yeah ??? How come you mention potential replacements for fletcher and mention no middle linebackers? That seems a little odd to only mention outside backers to replace LF when many can't play inside
  6. acording to cold pizza, chad johnson has been talking smack about how he wants asante samuel to cover him. and that he would toast samuel and run the ball out at the 1 to rub it in. So, belichick says that he isn't gunna cover him 1 on 1 becuase he pushes off so much that he must be paying off the officials. If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black? Linky
  7. The same willie parker that is scoring me a ton of points in my fantasy league
  8. Age is certainly a factor, typically premium linebackers start losing a step around 32-33 years old. Very few linebackers are stellar into their mid-late 30's and rarely do you see a backer playing till they are 40 (Clay Mathews is the only that comes to mind).
  9. that is a joke. I know Division III female athletes that aren't all too great (for their level) that have bigger arms that tennis is a sport that uses upper body the arms muscles an awful lot (pretty obvious duh). The pics the steve showed were the norm for a female athlete.
  10. Man you guys are slipping i figured someone would have made this wisecrack by now. "ESPN 8, The Ocho."
  11. God, i look at that thread, and must admit marv made a bold move and that i was wrong. Good job grampa simpson
  12. ok misread that... but still bringing in dr. phil for the bills? that is a little slap, when jokeland and tampa are both incredibly bad. Heck, even Dallas can use that bald retard over buffalo
  13. Gotta love how Dr.Z refers to him as a flaming redhead
  14. I have the rope. But you are right in saying that at this point only JDG and HA here are crusading against JP like many of us have for RJ and DB to get $hitcanned.
  15. I never imagined that this thread would be a huge can of worms when i started it. Oh well it has been a pretty funny read
  16. This is a dude who staples his scrotum to his leg as a stunt. So, do you think he isn't a little wacked?
  17. IIRC me thinks the dolfelons and marlins are/were owned by the same guy
  18. no, but we should show some respect, and not rag on the guy. That said the media should take a step back too.
  19. he only missed one game... that happens. I would hardly call that a curse. As well as Eddie George's "career year" in 2001, even if he screwed up in one game. Thats like saying that the Yankees are cursed for losing each of the last few years, even though their payroll is twice as much as everyone, citing A-Rod issues, and Giambi having health issues.
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