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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I had that debate also with a librarian at the school where i was observing last semester. Yeah, I got the guy hooked after he saw the Terri Schavo Golden PSP episode
  2. Ok will do Mr. Crap Spreading Drug Dealer...err... Crap Throwing Monkey Ok, /dev/null= my imagination >RJ
  3. personally, i don't get some of the styles that are out there right and i consider myself rather trendy. However, i am open minded enough to understand that fans of the hip-hop culture from NYC will wear baggy pants whatever tee shirt or buttondown design shirt, and an off-color yankees hat with the new era sticker still on it. I am open-minded to see the goth kids dressing in all-black and i sure as hell wear something that says that i am Irish, every now and then. All of these are representative of different subcultures. So what, if the "challenged" kids wore hats off kilt, and today a different group of people are doing it. It just says that fashion gets its roots from something in the past, quite often, and originality is more in the case of modification not new design. I could be closed minded about older people's fashion sense. Yet, i am understanding enough to know that older people wear what they wear, because it is what they can afford, it is what they need to wear for their job, it is what they like to wear, it is comfortable to wear, and it is what is expected of them to wear.
  4. Who's that /dev/null guy? never head of him So we now have CTM and CSDD (Crap Spreading Drug Dealer)... alrighty then
  5. oh come on, just the fact that we the freedom of speech and the freedom of choice, doesn't mean that we need use the first to rip on the second. different subcultures within our society have different attire expectations than what majority culture may be accustomed to (ie. exotic dancers wearing skimpy clothing, or rappers wearing jerseys, ball caps, and baggy jeans). In a society, that promotes diversity, i think people are being hypocritical here, in making a statement against certain subcultures.
  6. That was a great episode, kinda reminds of the one where kyle finds that all of school is getting sedated off of cough syrup Quest for ratings
  7. Indeed, i met him during the super bowl days, he stopped in at my elementary school (yes i am a youngin') and signed autographs for us and went class to class doing this. I was amazed at how tall he was (and is). Its cool to see that he is doin well in his post-playing days.
  8. 253-258 5 more people to change their avatars back to the cowbell
  9. Jimmy taking roids for the special olympics, death of chef, and prolly butters pretending to be a freak w/ balls on his chin
  10. Well, at least in some way there isn't a generation canyon (too big be just a gap), like there appears to be throughout this whole thread.
  11. Of course would Hell, you more likely would be caught tapping Oprah
  12. yeah Fez, you have some great points, there. I have met the band a couple times, and am friends with family of Robbie from the band. They really struggled to make $ until they started selling out. Even when they were just a big local band they were borrowing money off of their parents to get studio time. so i don't blame them for going soft
  13. yeah you are right, watertown gets rocked every year. That area is known for flooding if there is a quick thaw in the spring too.
  14. I'd say less desirable, I'd rather have fresh powder over ice.
  15. yea, you may be right, but it'll eventually bite you in the a$$ that opposing coach may be able to put up a team that can do the same to you. Once you are up by 35-40 points you can safely assume that your team is that superior and take it easy. I would have pulled that kid after 40 point lead, and just let the back up get a ton of touches. Also, It is not beneficial to the player or the team for the back to take the wear and tear when up by that much
  16. damn, the coach should be castrated for keeping that kid in the game. The was easily runnin up the score -TD's ugh. that is sick that the kid was able to do that that said, i wonder which D-I school will pick this kid up
  17. From Buffalo to Rochester there is a bit of a difference, when i lived in depew outside of buffalo, we got our snow and whatnot mostly from lake effect or whatever systems. Out here, in brockport outside of rochester, we catch the tail end of the lake effect bands, and get a lot more ice. I actually encountered an ice storm so bad that it took over an hour to get all of the 3/4" ice of my windshield. That is the main difference between rachacha and buffalo, sorry i really can't help you w/ cuse, albany or ithaca
  18. Can you name 6 punters better than Moorman? Lechler gets a lot of accolades for his performance in Oakland, but then again who can kick in oakland 8 times a year But other than that there is no one that you can really make that much of an argument for. No other punter can change the game like moorman can. that said he was excellent the past couple weeks pinning the opponents inside the 20 w/o any TB's this season
  19. If you believe that the game is a predetermined bills victory, will you still watch the game?
  20. that was f***in great Indeed, considering Henry was still playing for the Tennessee Volunteers in '99
  21. Of course... I am rational and big hearted. The fact of the matter is that the kids should have to suffer cuz mommy and/or daddy can't keep off of members of the opposite sex. I feel bad for the kids in the case, because i grew up really poor and lived near families with 6,7,8 kids and it was obvious they couldn't support having half as many kids as they had. Honestly, a condom or the pill are cheaper than a kid. As a college student rite now, i don't want a kid cuz i know i can't financially support a child on top of myself, when i live off of ramen, spaghetti, and $1 packs of hot dogs. People should really plan for that kind of stuff better (i understand that sometimes it just happens), because there is no reason a couple that barely makes 20k/year has 8-9 kids. With that many kids in poverty, chances are that the kids will have little chance to really make anything of themselves. Statistically poverty stricken children are less likely to graduate high school, and less likely to earn bachelors and masters degrees. So i plead to the people that are financially struggling already: BUY CONTRACEPTION OR CLOSE YOUR LEGS!!! wow that was a fun rant.
  22. no but wastes of space/ drains on the economy (drug dealers and welfare cases) should not be producing that many kids. Personally, people relying on government funding to feed their kids should sign a deal that they will not have any more kids or they lose their funding. just my $.02
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