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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. thats not the point, knowing that a football game is already scheduled there, why not just play the game monday then? baseball has only endured since march so i think one more day won't hurt. I think MLB screwed up, now if the Raiders were good, it would matter to some people, but i guess it is ok for the raiders to accept moving back a day
  2. Damn you VA, you got me (wishing we still had the F U smiley)
  3. ok I have to ask, Why is New England even in the same breath as the Broncos, Ravens, Bears, Bengals, Chargers, Iggles, and Colts? Honestly New England hasn't proved anything to me this year. The first three weeks they barely beat the bills and jets and lost to the broncos. They had one good game agianst the bengals, and didn't do too well against the fish. These guys have the benefit of being in the weakest division in the AFC and haven't dominated any team in their division.
  4. Why try to schedule a playoff MLB game on a Sunday at a NFL team's stadium?
  5. this is true, in a cover 2 defense DE's don't get so many tackles, where schobel had been rackign up quite a few tackles, (71,73, and 60 the previous 3 years) in the previous system. In the tampa 2 system, the DE is going to get more stats from sacking quarterbacks. For example, Simeon Rice, a premier DE in that system never got more than 50 tackles in a season, but would get a ton of sacks (Of course it helps to have a great D like tampa typically has working behind them). This year with tampa being in a state of flux, Rice only has 9 tackles and 1 sack, and do you think anyone in tampa is thinking that he is overrated? Also, people have to take into account that he gets more attention than Denney or Kelsay, so he gets less tackles due to more double teaming. If you took Schobel off this D-line, kelsay and denney would not be having the stats that they do at the time, and offenses would be carving this defense up even more.
  6. quite reasonable. and since no one in our division has their act together, it is possible. i just want to vomit when ESPN analysts are still believing the pats are a top 5 team in the AFC. Frankly, this division is the weakest in the AFC.
  7. Michael Jackson episode is classic, as well as cartoon wars funny little spoof on family guy
  8. of course the o-line protected losman enough when the bears only had to rush 4 and still get pressure . i was saying in the first quarter of the game "both lines are getting outplayed" and it was the truth. the o-line couldn't get any push and the d-line was ending up 5 yards down the field
  9. What they supposed to say? "We suck" "We're DOOOOOOOOOOMED" "We're no better than an AFL team" "They are the best team the NFL has seen in 20 years" "We are really missing Takeo Spikes and Troy Vincent that much" come on. its a new regime, if you expected these guys to do any better than 8-8, you were crazy. I chalked this game up as a loss, unless the bills played spoiler. and i expected these guys to get killed a couple of times this season.
  10. For the first time in a while i agree with you JDG. The team as a whole didn't execute and that reflects poorly on Dick. Lovie definitely outcoached Dick today (insert perverted joke here).
  11. Oi, this is awful to watch, the lines are doing horrible, Losman is scared $#itless, and our D can't stop anything right now.
  12. corp, 1)i have been a painter the pastcouple summers on my campus. So i have to deal with scuff marks, very often. The cheapest solution is to get some cleaner and scrub, but you may end up scrubbing off the paint if you aren't careful. The easiest solution is use matching paint and cover the spot up with a coat or two of the paint. 3.) relax because people do stupid stuff, and parents don't always do their jobs in teaching their kids what they should and shouldn't do
  13. Where's the Hell Freezing over option? I honestly think the bills are a year away from beating a team of the bears caliber
  14. happy birthday old man. you are officially a Codger
  15. I agree, that the world cup is the most coveted trophy in Sports, with Gold medals probably at number 2. There are more kids worldwide that dream about being on the podium, and receiving a gold medal while their national anthem is playing. Hell, my old roommate talked about as a kid how he wanted to get a gold and do the black panther salute. I would hazard a guess that the stanley cup would be #3 just because of how personal it is.
  16. jack that second link was almost two years ago. and there are quite a few posters in that thread that don't post here anymore. ie) njsue. I agree w/ boondock on this, it gives a good idea of what this online community is composed of. and FWIW i am 22 now.
  17. separated at birth? but this angelides dude is trying to take out the govenator. yikes, i give this guy a 5% chance
  18. i just can't believe that it is still 2.56 up here outside of rochester. and that is 50 cents cheaper than when i last filled up the tank around labor day. 1.89 outside of tampa is crazy. i would actually drive around town if it was less than 2 bucks. But i still think there is some level of conspiracy goin on.
  19. if there are no laws against it, then at least he is blackballed forever. and it serves him right.
  20. "I did not have sex with that woman" "Yee haw, ride er cowboy"
  21. "Blame Canada, Blame Canada they're not even a real country anyway"
  22. does that mean mike mularkey on romping prized goats?
  23. This is truly disgusting, i can't believe that Foley would be going after 16 year old boys like that. I hope he gets the book thrown at him instead a pardon from Pres. Bush.
  24. I love it. It is an excuse to be caught looking at the girl's butt. Also, the girl who buys that wears it for that reason so it works out.
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