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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Last year's league was super tight, 1st through 10th were 8-5 to 6-7. I had to win 4 of the last 5 to reach playoffs with the 2 seed. The guy with the second most points in the regular season finished 10th in playoffs. That was a fun league to compete in.
  2. Well, if he is not on the field due to suspensions or if he continues his emotional immaturity, yes. Dareus needs to get his chit together.
  3. The pension is definitely meant for the old-timers who didn't make that kind of cash. That said a low-end pension to supplement a player's post-career life ie $20k/year would be reasonable. FWIW, the players must be in the league for over 3 years to qualify for a pension under current rules. This is why Ralph kept KEvin Everett on the team's payroll for a certain period after his playing days were over to qualify for the pension.
  4. I agree with you on picking poison as well as giving kudos to Kraft. However, the NFL would still make a ton o' cash by setting up stadia that they design on their own without public financing. When you consider television revenue and near sellout conditions for 95% of games, they could easily afford to do while setting up a pension fund that is well equipped for the medical costs of the retired players. For being a tax-exempt company, they rake in a ton of cash for its franchises while leaving the public and former players high and dry, much like most corporations.
  5. I won a TSW league last year that included e-ball and valle. I am sending the message to Kevin who set it up last year to set it up again. I am game for another TSW league beyond that if someone wants to set it up. Edit: oops Kevin, I just saw your post above. I think you were in that one last year as well with me and fluffy
  6. The whole idea of publicly financing a billion dollar company under tax exempt status and buying them a stadium to gouge the public is criminal in my opinion. European soccer teams have it right where they invest a large % of their own money into build new stadia. That said, tough crap Modell, you stick with the city that supports you and build your own palace instead of begging the gov't.
  7. The difference between the Auburn oak tree and this is that the oak tree was alive and still served a purpose. Art Modell deserves to be pissed on for abandoning Cleveland. If Bon Jovi were to be part of the winning bid and the team be removed from the Queen City, I would gladly piss on his grave and claim senility as I would be at an older age.
  8. I am going to disagree here with the EJ comparison to Pig Ben. EJ's former understudy at FSU, Jameis Winston, is closer to Rapelisberger, if not playing style then in personal habits.
  9. Screw that, the NFL needs to reinstate contact beyond 5 yards, make it 10 yards like college and that would be progress. Frankly, I believe that contact should be legal until the ball is thrown to prevent some QB from throwing 7000 yards and 70 TD's. From a safety standpoint, it is probably better to have constant contact down the field as opposed to encouraging DB's to close a distance a way to destroy a receiver. By allowing more contact, INT rates will also skyrocket as well. I want the game back to how it was in my childhood as opposed to the 2 hand hop scotch that Goodell is implementing.
  10. ... this article should pro-football players cars that are going to be keyed by teenagers in 3...2...1. That said, for the amount of wealth spread amongst the top 30 players of the team, this is a very modest list void of Ferraris, Lambos, Mazeratis, Corvettes, Shelby Cobras, etc....
  11. So what would you think of when Jimmy Clausen stunk it up for the Panthers? Don't call me Shirley!!!
  12. Say what you guys want. I enjoy watching the game. The stoppage time deal is usually pretty reasonable. For people complaining about low scoring, this year's World Cup has been anything but that. There has been quite a bit of scoring, and no 0-0 games, and just one 1-0 game.
  13. With toxic waste cleanup at this location being an issue, no thanks. I can't believe there isn't much of a push to combine the stadium in as part of UB 2020, where the stadium could be shared by the Bulls and Bills, domed, and serve the college and community well. Even if it was only used 15x a year, it is better than renovating two stadia seperately and paying the bill for both,
  14. Considering our population base and fan base are very scattered, putting the stadium near the worst possible weather location makes no sense. We have a small market that must attract people from further distances to support the team. With that in mind, putting them downtown, where traffic would be god awful, makes no sense when you can have a more open location for this regional franchise.
  15. It would make sense to put the stadium near UB, so it could be shared between the Bills and Bulls. The dome would allow for conventions and concerts in the winter. The proximity is close enough to the 990 that it would be easy enough to get to. Closer to Canada to get the canuckleheads in easier. Probably a little easier to get to than the current site for fans coming from Rochester and Syracuse areas. Therefore, this idea ties into UB 2020 (a big pushing point for Cuomo ( )), has the stadium being used more frequently just for football, and is more convenient for the majority of the population base. For all these reasons, it is better than putting it downtown where traffic will suck to get to, you probably won't be able to tailgate as well, and the stadium will get a direct blast from lake effect snow 30x/year thus weakening the roof in the long-term. For all of the aforementioned reason, Amherst/UB area would be best, however considering how awful and corrupt our politicians are, they will probably put in the worst possible area and not put a dome over it.
  16. Objectively, I give this draft weekend a D. We traded away our best and only proven receiver and next year's first for a receiver in a receiver deep draft. Even if Stevie is on the downside of his career, it is too much risk for my liking. Especially since receivers tend not to excel as rookies, it escalates the risk. If the Bills (and in all likelihood we will) suck. We could be having a team that has huge holes to fill next year and no top 10 pick to fill said holes.
  17. As a local high track coach, the Bills receivers would be able to run sub 40 for the 4x100. With the stacking of receivers, one could guess that they may be trying to run a run n' shoot style offense. My biggest worry as a rational minded individual is that team is speed based with a lack of strength. In the NFL, everyone is fast, but if you lack the strength to exploit the middle, you are as boned as a team led by Rob Johnson.
  18. I wouldn't trade two used condoms for Romo.
  19. Your best corners tend not to lead the league in picks, even Deion never did. I'd rather have Gilmore be another winfield at corner.
  20. The FO weren't going to play games with Parker. I give Whaley credit by not getting stuck paying $10 million/year when the team has bigger holes.
  21. I beg to differ with Kyle. http://wp.advancednflstats.com/defenderstats.php?pos=DT Regardless of what stats say, I'd probably say that I'd take Geno Atkins over him and that is all. So #2 in a position where 2 are used. I'd say he is the best in the league. QED
  22. Yeah, why rent a maserati, when you can afford to buy it? Seriously, it comes down to Byrd wanted to test FA regardless of what the Bills offered.
  23. As a Bills fan, I'd rather lose with scrubs and busts than win with a scumbag like him. I wouldn't want to be like Steelers fan who loathe and tolerate Rapelisberger.
  24. While you are correct that .71 would be considered a stronger correlation, it is hardly definitive. You may raise a good point that using data from retired QB's may be useful; however, I'd have to say that longevity of a career may also skew the data compounded with changes in rules that alter the passing game. For instance, Peyton Manning's 2nd season rating was only a 90.7 while his career rating is a 97.2. Thus, there is a deviation from the mean of 6.7% which is quite large. Because of rule changes, I'd bet that it would be best just to focus on draftees of the last 6 years for a valid comparison.
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