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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. i can't imagine any rational minded person picking the bills to win, but this is a trap game for indy possibly, or a chance to slaughter a far inferior team
  2. yea it can blow up in their faces, but those two races were safe assumptions
  3. ummm.... yeah Buffalo 2-2 vs. NFC and we lost to Detroit, too
  4. Does anyone else think that penalty shouldn't have been 15 yards? I htought it should have been only 5, which would have been a 57 yarder, witha subpar kicker, which would have brought it to OT more than likely. Kudos to Vincent for the block and Taylor for running the ball back and making something more out of it.
  5. I would never consider Blanda top 10 as a QB, What i will give him his due respect for lasting as long as he did as a kicker even after he was unable to be a viable QB option. But if you have Blanda on the top 10 QB list, you probably have to include Tom Tupa also FWIW, i acknowledge the rest of the abovementioned as all time great QB's
  6. personally, i am a former catholic agnostic now, with no judgement on the man's relgious beliefs. But the guy is resigning for having sex with a man, and to me it is not that big of a deal. Being a Christian is about acceptance and forgiveness, values often overlooked by society. Even though I very much disagree with the guys agenda I do not feel he should be ousted for allegedly having sex with a 49 year old man. As a liberal, i even question the timing of this too.
  7. that was their point of having Steve Irwin on there tho , saying that it was too soon to be picking on him, by throwing him out of the party
  8. "We were not in Iraq on September 11th when the attacked us" -President Bush October 31st :P ...umm yeah... anyone else see the humor in this? Weren't we attacked by 15 pissed off Saudis and a few from other countries? Ahhh, gotta love the honesty of the Bush adminstration.
  9. lol i was watchin the comedy central preview on it earlier. i am most certainly gunna watch that friday nite
  10. please pass the J, and share with the rest of the wall
  11. speaking of goofy ass bills fans... here is another classic you tube clip
  12. happy birthday... i hope you get birthday candy out of this deal
  13. nice ed lol yeah my best asset is my big heart, i am known for dropping what i am doing to go bail a friend out of trouble
  14. Ok i finally finished the game, and got the 100% complete. To beat the game you sometimes have to come up w/ strategies that are cheap and outside of the box ie) on a boat mission in south beach, i took a cigarrette gun boat from around the island and creeped up the gang's boat from behind and shot the hell out of it before the mission officially started. So here some of my best tips for the game 1. get the limo so you can save time getting from one end of the city to the other when not in missions 2. when buying boats, the attack boat and cigarette gun boat are both great for combat or drug running 3. do a ton of cocaine distribution runs to build up money before you advance to south beach, because you end up needing a whole lot of money (200-300 million) for the investments 4 when you have a ton of money, buy your investments instead of unique items, because you get benefits from each of the investments 5. make sure you gang heat level is low anytime you are buying or selling coke, because you get better rates. Also, if your gang heat is too high you may not be able to buy or sell. 6. when in gang warfare, make sure you use your blind rage at appropriate times, or else you waste it 7. when you are able to buy the montana defense investment, do it, because you get to carry a 4th weapon w/ a whole lot more ammo for all weapons. 8. the Bacinari, the Rattler, and The Ariel HK I are the three fastest cars in the game, use those for doing the racing missions. 9. When doing the Drug Distribution missions, start off with no gang heat, and avoid accidents cuz your car's health is essential. 10 Your Laundering rate goes up w/ your reputation level, so when you buy the one investment (i beleive montana financial) you eliminate the bank's cut, which in turn saves you millions in long term. any more questions, PM me or reply back -JZ
  15. Lol the dude's name was Pfister
  16. wow i wonder if the mom is having an Oedipus conflict here? Seriously, this is beyond !@#$ed up. Only trailer trash can bring a story like this and make us say "figures"
  17. that or cities where rappers hail from (nelly and eminem) link is broken also on first post of thread
  18. That was hot!!! and i mean that in truly perverted way
  19. agreed, but there were single-back offense more commonly five years ago, but shelton is more of a liability. In a single back set, you can utilize roscoe and reed more, as well everett and neufeld (who can motion to a FB if needed)
  20. lol Love that episode where they discover gnomes. The whole thing about Tweek's coffee in the episode tasting like mud and Starbuck's trying to move into town. Time to go to work! Work all night! Search for underpants hey! We won't stop until we have underpants! Yum tum yummy tum hey!
  21. Okartddies, i think we are startin to beat a dead horse here (like that never happens here?) But lets stop arguing about TBS and find something new to argue over like green day, green bay, or Kenmore based, Green Jelly.
  22. Fair assessment Pyrite, IMO i think one of our biggest holes is Shelton, and i think we would be better off with using more single back/spread sets. Thus, Shelton wouldbe off the field more. insert a son of satan style laugh
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