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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. The sad fact is that the federal government puts a ton of requirements on education when constitution it is a state's right, and the fact they horribly underfund any iniative they pass. When the federal government claims to really care about education, it spends only 3% of its yearly expenses on education, thus leaving it on the local gov'ts to flip the bill. I agree that those who have the power in the education system have little actual experience in the classrooms, and that is what matters most. You have some very ignorant people who get limited input from a few, and misconstruct the hell out of it until you get a program like NCLB that is a total failure by almost every teacher's opinion. However, i disagree with giving the money to the parents because you will create a system of education where the best schools will be overcrowded and lose their effectiveness. In reality, we need more funding in poor school districts (which are the vast majority of the schools that are failing) and we need to do more to get the parents involved with the education process. sadly, many parents are not involved with their kids education, until they find that their kids are failing. Parents need to help their kids learn, instead of thinking that kids will be able to do it all on their own. Also, some actually think of school as tax funded babysitting, and do not give their kids the support that is needed.
  2. maybe they are saying no for a different reason
  3. no nate Clements and McGee are gunna have a field day tomorrow as JPL throws for 200 yds. more than Peyton Manning EDIT: speaking of fantasy matchups this is what nfl.com has to say Bills DST
  4. south park reference about the priests actually Satan's Hell on Earth/ sweet 16 whole episode
  5. i dunno he has some cojones, and he seems to be rather skeptical of a total retard, and his policies. I have to say, I like that he is an independent thinker, but i really don't know much of his performance as leader of the country named after pitcher Fernando Valenzuela
  6. Ok. I have some disagreement with you here. But yeah, according the statistics my professor for my teaching class gave me last semester, only a 30% jump. Second, The U.S. has been producing garbage results, because they have overemphasized testing (is it really neccessary for our 3rd-8th graders to be taking national tests every year?) and because the school year is a bit shorter than every other industrialized country. Also, with the standardized testing approach, you have teachers, and administrators on a ton of pressure to get the kids to know specific things but not really in depth. You know its bad when kindergarteners don't get nap time anymore. Also, in america you have many more specialists at the school that focus on special ed (a really good thing), psychologist, counseling, therapy, etc. all of those things cover a lot of money. In addition, The U.S. is among the few countries that spends money for after school clubs and teams where the rest of the world, the parents have to pay for those things out of pocket. Imagine paying $500 a season for your kid to play ball another $100 for choir, and so on. The fact is that you either have to cut out these programs, which would kill communities in general, or you have to pony up for that stuff. But I agree with your assessment of dumbing down textbooks to cover all levels. that is the compromise made for having kids who shouldn't be in the grade, in that class. We push too many kids up a grade when they are not ready and it kills the school system, when we have kids droppin out due to lack of confidence, or totally inept people graduating high school when they shouldn't be graduating middle school. That movement of dumbing down books has harmed the previous generation quite a bit by strippin the depth and context of important concepts, and making them quick facts that will easily be forgotten. For example, If I were to say "Michael Vick has herpes", you may get a good chuckle out of it, and most likely would forget after a given amount of time. If i said "Michael Vick had herpes, gave it to a nurse through unprotected intercourse, checked into a health clinic under the alias 'ron mexico', and eventually got sued by the girl", that data will stay with you much longer.
  7. Very true, and very well spoken. I am definitely one for backing out of the Free Trade Agreements, because they have not been beneficial to middle america. But yeah, with the lack of job openings, you have to have some credentials to get a job now and days. That said, the boomers are starting to retire soon and that may open up the job market a bit, but also may collapse the social security system
  8. Wow i thought the wall hit a low after the loss to Detroit, but it is really hitting rock bottom w/ debate over the Wiz of Oz, Sound of Music, and Mary Poppins. Maybe this is gay-friendly TSW w/o the bandwagon jumpers now
  9. Don't forget I need to be walking around w/ a little boy on a leash, while attending Satan's sweet 16
  10. ok i know that prison spending has went up 167% since 1980, and the education spending has went up 30% since then (these numbers are not adjusted for inflation, so if you look at it education has gotten the shaft while prison spending has jumped at a rate higher than inflation). Typically the more you invest in education, the less you spend on prison spending and the crime rate drops. So my solution is that you gradually increase educational funding and take it away from prison spending as the need for prisons should go down.
  11. ok so far indy only has 11 sacks this season. I can honestly see our swiss cheese line forking up another 11
  12. i some how remember a good one w/ andrei trefilov also
  13. yeah i love aussies answer to this. But yeah, Steve just posts a lot less now for whatever reason.
  14. I don't think either of us were saying that Biggie smalls wasn't that good, but he wasn't the lyricist that Pac was. I'll give him the respect that he deserves, but i think that his popularity was tragically generated from his death. I just can't put him on the same level as tupac, early eminem, or early outkast. and my choice is from another dead man. Nirvana- The Man Who Sold the World
  15. since he died, the only ones that really have been talented have been Common, Eminem(pre-8mile) (in a satirical way), and Outkast (not their poppy stuff, but more of their early stuff like Rosa Parks, B.O.B). those have the only really lyrically sound rappers since his death. Far too often, i watch the videos or hang w/ buddies and wanna vomit over the crap spewing from rappers mouths now and days, because it is so meaningless, and about how they getting paid.
  16. "I see no changes, wake in the morning and i ask myself is life worth living or should i blast myself..."
  17. Yeah, i remember the days where steve would post more frequently here, kinda miss it cuz he could post a ton of stuff that was always a good read
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