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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. i wasn't as clear as i could have been there. I meant segregation by Socioeconomic status. you do may a case for the theory of the voucher system, however, i do not feel that it is as perfect as one would hope. I am in general agreement with the ideology except i feel that it basically have some elitist elements to it, and become de facto rich v. poor segregation
  2. good song, i like dylan's version as well as the animals
  3. in reality, it will be segregation of schools all over again. I agree that throwing money blindly is not the way, but targeted funding that be spent in a specific way, like it was 15-20 years ago, would likely be far more efficient, as many needs get overlooked for whatever the local school administration's agenda is
  4. I might grant that rule.... Actually sure... four hours. seems fair, I put the time limit in play so no just throws a ton of songs up like crayonnz did that in mind, mountain- "mississippi queen"
  5. Umm... to be fair a 70% winnin percentage is pretty good and he made the offense look so much better than RJ did. It is really unfair to place a quarterback that was signed to be a backup from the CFL to be in the breath of those other qb's also AVP doesn't deserve to be on that list, as he was basically 2nd-3rd string for many years, and never really considered the QB of the future or the man who will bring us to the playoffs.
  6. dude it is funny, but then again you might need to be accompanied by a parent, ya youngster :-D
  7. this is probably one of the best posts this week. Now if we had less retards on the board and more sensible people like you then we would be able to have intellingent discussions
  8. at first i would have bet on Christina but, hey this is great... a real britney porno, instead of those fakes out there.
  9. I think that coaching is physically taxing in a sense more mental, but 14 hour workdays for 6-7 months out of the year. Plus potentially getting Joe Paterno'd while standing on the sidelines
  10. you need your hogs there, and you need them instead of your TE's blocking pro bowl DE's
  11. really? i find the playcalling too predictable, and not utilizing the strengths, and avoid the weakness. Ie) 5 step drops and 7 step drops also. They don't work when you have a rookie blockin mathis one on one
  12. The uber conservative coaching worked for the defense, but damn open up a little on the offense. Obviously, our line can't protect for anything more than 3 step drops, so use 3 step drops and half back and screens. The usage of the A-train was a little too much that it took away the effectiveness. honestly, this was the anti-Killdrive playcalling, to a fault. Too much run and not enough pass. I think that Fairchild needs to get the ax
  13. god can somebody block that guy... stupid for losman to try to throw that until he got away, but that is bad blocking
  14. how can you guys really fault losman for anythign today? most of it has been playcalling. yeah you run the ball more w/ a weak run D in opposition and a young struggling QB but the few mistakes made are to be expected of Losman, and the receviers and cpaches haven't done much for this game offensively
  15. it looked like smith landed on everett... no contact during kicking motion
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