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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I have to debate this one , Thurman did have a 4 year span that he matched and exceeded TD in all-purpose yardage, and got 49 TDs in this span 89-92. But the bills also had more weapons to score with IMO, so that would take some of the scores from him, especially w/ Jimbo in his prime vs. an old elway that was nowhere near as good as he was in prime
  2. yeah what he said man that is !@#$ed up, but really is this news? little suzie found daddy's knife and wanted to use it on walmart personell? Seems like johnny playin w/ the gun in the desk while he is high and shoots his buddy
  3. his science is flawed our science is the only true science
  4. Darin, I am in agreement here. For the cost of an abortion is much less than the cost of running an orphanedge (sic). Also, I am in favor of closing the international baby adoption policy that we have as we should take care of our own first by giving them loving homes, and then worry about overseas adoption if our orphanedges are running thin
  5. I never found his rhymes as impressive as his beats, and half of his hits aren't even done by him. That really pi$$es me off about rap, if you are gunna take credit for doing a song, and profit off of it being on your album, please sing at least 40% of the damn lyrics Weird Al - Amish Paradise
  6. Science H. Seriously, I hate AI as a player, but i respect the deed that he did there. That shows that he has some heart.
  7. okay that is still a step below playboy and two or three below hustler, watchout when he starts to get a hold of them
  8. pre 2000 for now please ... trying to keep this with respect to classic music. That said, I am gunna choose Foo Fighters- My hero
  9. ok clarification was needed. i getcha
  10. First i agree that there too many districts for cheektowaga and a consolidation of the 5 schools actually in cheektowaga (central, sloan, JFK, cleve hill, and maryvale) would be sensible at the administrative level. This would mean less administration (less big salary people) and a bit more money there. Second, i don't like bigger schools, because that doesn't mean more teachers as much as overcrowded classrooms, which in turn means less individualized attention and less interest in the class. All of which statistically lead to lower performance scores. Third, i am aware that most private schools and all public schools are under the umbrella of most voucher systems. However, there have been court cases stating that the religious schools that promote only their agenda in some cases violate the seperation of church and state laws in place.
  11. lol... is that because he is finding your stash of 70's porn mags?
  12. ... but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.
  13. Ok MAC QB's as mid to low round? Come on, before the accident Rothlisberger was a pretty decent QB, and Pennington when healthy he is well worthy of the first that he was drafted with. Leftwich hasn't been too bad either when not hurt.
  14. I am too, but I don't think that the voucher system will make a difference. Personally, I see it as more of a way to overcrowd the schools and water down the good schools in the process. On top of that, I don't want to see government money going to religiously affiliated schools. What really needs to happen with the education system is maybe, just maybe have a few more weeks of classes (40 is not enough). We need to stop testing every year from grades three to eight. In addition, the publishers need to stop listening to Texas and California for what they want in textbooks and consequently dumbing them down. This makes the texts have limited information about the topic so kids at a lower reading level, it only robs the students of the context and the value of the story. Also, we need to get better teachers in place, by possibly improving the ones we have, and hiring more. Many of our lower achieving students also happen to be in overcrowded classrooms; thus i propose hiring more teachers, and building more classrooms. I agree with the sentiment that throwing money blindly at a problem doesn't solve it. So, we need to use our money wiser than radically changing the school system (which by the way would cost a ton, between personel getting fired and hired, and legislation)
  15. wow this has to be the most positive thing i have read from HA regarding JP. now i am gunna look at the err america thread for more of the conventional HA wisdom
  16. already mentioned by me two pages ago, but for my choice barenaked ladies- If i had a million dollars
  17. remember it has to be hot women teachers
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