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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. i can see the fictional news headline: Dolphins and Tide trade coaches, Dolphins get in return the graduating class from Bama which is believed to be more talented than the Miami starters.
  2. holy sh--... this is nuts i remember my mom always talking about not going into the bike paths at losson park in cheektovegas becuz of this nutjob
  3. yeah i wish hahaha. i haven't kicked on a regular basis since i was 10. But maybe my pickup soccer game experience might help. I only wish i was running times like he did. But maybe one of your athletes could be a punter in the pro's
  4. thank god that pompous retard is off the air for now... I couldn't stand his rants along with a bunch of my coworkers we would rip on him. It was funny cuz he tried to maintain street cred as a reporter, instead of being a credible journalist.
  5. so what position do you actually play Nick?
  6. 6'4 195 4.4-4.5 speed. i could see myself as a 3rd down receiver/ gunner
  7. how did this retard get where he is at?
  8. only if the jobs come back, i'n leaving after this year specifically for a better job market
  9. wow to quote the comic book guy "Worst. PreNup. Ever." OMG She seriously ends up with more 2/3 of his stuff. I'd also be willing to bet that the judge was a Jet fan
  10. because they overextended themselves on property, and operate in a greedy, assrape the customers fashion
  11. i used to work there from 2000-2003, as a food service manager, and they were the worst business i have ever seen operate as far as taking care of their workers and keeping the prices reasonable. They made bad investments in the rides they bought, ie.) the Superman--> broke down everyday just about, and never protected their investments, The Predator has gone to shht because they do not take care of their stuff. FWIW, $3.50 for a 20 oz. bottle of water is wrong, especially on the concert grounds during 90+ degree days. this leads to many paying customers passing out. Yeah, If you want some disgusting or really good stories about that park PM me.
  12. H_A for as much as I rip on ya. I am in total agreement there. I consider myself economically conservative, and the Republican House and Senate showed a lot of discipline along w/ the Clinton administration during the '90s. Unfortunately, the same can't be said since Bush has been in office, which can be blamed on both Congress and Bush.
  13. Well, you do have me here. I do admit that Clinton came by some luck and Bush has had some misfortune, especially in those two specific topics. But I can point to Congress during Clinton's term passing the digital millenium copyright act, which has spawned big time industry of online music stores by criminalizing illegal file sharing. You can also point to the omnibus budget reconciliation act, where small businesses and poor people received tax breaks. Finally, you can point to the welfare reform that Clinton was a huge proponent of, this led to a bunch of the unmerited dead weight on the system being forced into the workforce, rather than collecting free money. I will reiterate that the Presidents role is not as vital as House and Senate in economic development EDIT: i tried posting but I lost my connection
  14. When I was a freshman at Brockport, I was working out in the athletes weight room with Josh Warner C/G for the Bears for a couple years. Also, Bob Casullo special teams coach for the Seahawks is a former Brockport coach and alum(IIRC)
  15. shhh. that might be too mathematical for Holcombs_Arm to comprehend
  16. I'll have to disagree with you here, as the presidents policies and effectiveness do have some impact on the economy. Yet, I do recognize that congress has more impact in general than the president does in regards to the economic growth and development. However, I was simply stating that the economy is still not to the level of where it was 10-15 years ago. I was trying to keep it as non-partisan and non-political as possible (kinda hard to do on a PPP board).
  17. ok how about calling Hasselbeck for a chop block when he is making a tackle? that is the definition of bad call and not knowing the rule book.
  18. ok but inflation adjusted income is not that of when clinton was in office and that is the discrepency in attitude of the health of our workforce
  19. omfg lmao. wow I question Rex a lot, but more his QB skills than his sexual orientation
  20. lol i caught that reference there But even the Bills play in Little Havana each year.
  21. Yeah but usually a coaching tree branches off, so in technicality mangina, crennel, weis, et al. would count as a second generation branch to Parcells. Kinda like if Jerry Gray were to become a head coach he would be under Williams and Mularkeys first generation of their coaching tree and Gray would be a second generation line under both Cowher and Jeff Fisher. This all helps determine what kind of impact a given coach has on the future of the game. So, Paul Brown and Walsh would be considered very influential.
  22. agreed, and i knew that it was two different guys.
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