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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. are ya kidding me? Gas prices have went up roughly 100% in the past 6 years and you are saying that? Seriously, the gas prices have kept me riding my bike across town for small errands during the spring, summer, and fall. People weren't bitchin when the gas prices were $1.20. With inflation, we should only be paying $1.40 or so now, not $2.40. Besides People are still spending the cash on the gas. All this is doing is taking money away from America and into other governments. And FWIW, some of the Republicans just voted against a recent alternative energy bill. I would love to be able to drive more than 3,000 miles/year (yes that is correct, no typo), But I can't afford to w/ gas prices and insurance and maintainance. If gas prices were a buck lower, i'd be more inclined to drive a little more.
  2. Holy damn wtf happened to her. I remember having pics on my wall during my early/ mid-teens
  3. just wait until he changes his name to Jeff George's_Arm. Then we can say he has good taste in picking QB's
  4. speaking of JP-era, anyone know where he has been?
  5. this is why I love Holcomb's Arm's response cuz there usually exists a little bit of misquoted info from the previous poster. Thus the regression towards the mean is somewhere around 3.5 or pi.
  6. damn under those laws, how many of us would been guilty around that age? hell when i was 16 i was banging a 14 year old, i guess that would have put me in jail down there too I agree w/ ya Kelly this is horrible that some kid gets labeled as an S.O. and has his life ruined like this
  7. that really depends Ramius. It depends on how much potential that athlete has left, and how long of a time frame for training. For example, if you had a kid off the streets that was very gifted naturally and comes in running a 4.4, chances are that you could train this kid to improve his running form and prepare the muscles for the stress that runnin a 40 would put on the frame. This is an extreme example, but in generalities your point does stand. I agree with the rest of your post tho.
  8. i agree w/ you tater. This poor guy is gunna rot in jail because of an egomaniacal DA that won't let him out... I am willing to bet the DA is not gunna get reelected. Seriously, the kid should be sitting in jail for something that is now legal. Basically, this is similiar to Carter because they both have been wronged by the justice system in a racially charged way. I just hope wilson can make something of his life after all of this.
  9. I am still calling bull on that. If that study was 100% error, we would end as a society of equal intelligence, based on an IQ test. This can be disproved by the improvement of intelligent thinking over the past 50000 years where humans have evolved and become more intelligent and crafty. Not to rip off of Geico, If you had a caveman take an IQ test, he would not score too high. That means from generation to generation we are getting smarter, and not dumber as these studies suggest
  10. ok, if you had a great, ideal environment growing up as a kid, chances are that you have extended your education by getting oppurtunities that an underpriviliged kid would not get. So, this means that the kids w/ High IQ's typically stay at a high range barring change in situation, Likewise the unpriviliged kids do not get the oppurtunites to flex their mind, develop higher order thinking skills, thus their IQ's are typically lower as they are adults. SInce these lower IQ learners do not get the chance to earn enough to further advance themselves, thus the role of enviromental situation plays a huge part from birth to death in intelligence, and many other traits. Thus kids that are raised together probably lived under simliar expectations and would have the same environment to fail or succeed under. For example, Madonna and Angelina Jolie both adopted kids from parents that probably do not have a high IQ. So, what you are saying is that these kids are going to be smart kids but dumb adults. These kids will have the best conditions to thrive under and will probably be smarter than their adoptive parents, since the kids they have more ideal environment because the parents are able to provide more than they had. Not too mention, these kids will probably have private tutors as well. These kids will be far from low IQ. So, Please stop talking out of your ass, and get a clue
  11. right next to that you could watch a very depressing Johnny Cash too
  12. i dunno what he could search for to find that, but i was disgusted by what the dog did at the end tho.
  13. I am sorry i really tried to avoid this trainwreck here, but your first paragraph is exactly Ramius' point. If you gave somebody ideal conditions for one test and horrendous conditions for the second test, an overwhelming majority would score better when ideal conditions are present. Also, for someone who argued about results of an IQ test for 50 pages, it seems a little fishy that you are discrediting it now (or at least minimizing its credibility). Personally, intelligence is an outsider's perception of what one knows. yes natural selection plays a bit of why humans and other mammals have become more intelligent, however, selective breeding isn't foolproof either (just look at European royalty as an example as they are inbred hemophiliacs), and some people basically exhibit a lot of unwanted recessive traits which make them "genetic waste". I'm gunna do my best to keep out of this trainwreck from here on out
  14. it was more the fact that the giants O chewed up a lot of clock by handing the ball off to O.J. Anderson. (MVP of the game). The Bills O was hardly on the field and the Giants D was well rested (even tho thurman had over 100 yards)
  15. i thought about that after the fact, sorry CW
  16. i am also a strummer, and i just bought a Dean Baby V after playing for a year and a hlaf w/ my washburn acoustic, and yeah electric is much easier to play by far, esepcially the punk and metal stuff i play where you basically shred backand forth. but a really good piece of advice for any guitarist is to download the PowerTab Editor Program (free) and go to www. powertabs.net where you can download a great variety of PowerTabs to play along with. This program plays the music at the speed of the song and you are able to see where and when to be playing. Most of the songs have at least two or three instrumental parts that are included for each song
  17. my professor was just playing it in my morning class, and half of the class wanted to beat him over the head for waking them out of their hangovers
  18. Statistically speaking kids that attend day care are more prepared for kindergarten, which really sets the building blocks and expectations for the rest of the students school career. There is more of a correlation with parent involvement in creating a learning environment that fits the child's needs to future academic success. But as long your child is progressing well and you keep involved, you and your child should be fine. I have done a few research papers in relation to this topic. If you want to ask any more questions PM me
  19. "new coach of the Raiders Lane Kiffin gets a chuckle out of team mascot Al Davis, and wonders how much better Al can be without wearing an eyepatch"
  20. he also mentioned dikembe motumbo, the baby einstein founder, and silver star winning soldier. he spent at least a good 20 minutes on domestic issues (energy, education, economy, etc...) Then he went into terrorism and the war. Then he went into the whole recognizing the special guests
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