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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. The fact of the matter is that there are a few types of treatments like this that are big overseas, but our medical system is not fond of them because they do not follow the conventions that our system is built upon. The only such accepted unconventional practice is chiropractors (bad english i know). There are a few doctors in Mexico that use these unorthodox methods that are very popular among some pro athletes, but they are not as regulated as normal medical practices either.
  2. Eh i could believe that Belechick is that unethical with his players, but I can also see Johnson try to get one last paycheck out of the deal also
  3. I am guessing one of those boys did not have enough manhood then if this is a story... That kid should be shot for being such a pu$$y
  4. wow that chick looks like a younger fatter joe pesci with hair.... Really Creeeeepy
  5. so is 17 over there, the same as the 18 and over laws here?
  6. eh. its ok... I actually get a chuckle out of how my parents met: They met a bar, he was 23 and she had a fake ID and was actually 15 So I am guessing, that alcohol/ weed/ blow had to have some influence.
  7. well i was conceived during a 2-14 season IIRC. so my chances are low
  8. Tom i dunno how the hell you thought of that one, but that is great. lol
  9. Damn Ronnie Harmon for dropping the ball
  10. you got me there. I meant it as in she is good looking but isn't what i would call hot
  11. :worthy: Even, if my numbers were a little off, the point was that elite athletes in the NFL could easily be competing in other sports that are internationally contested. ( you have your Renaldo Nehemiahs, and Rod Woodsons, and Bo Jacksons, and Deions... all of these especially the last two could have been considered modern day Thorpes).
  12. eryn you could go back to the first president bush and say that he dumped it on future presidents. Or even, reagan who supplied a great amount of weapons and cash to saddam in the first place. The fact is that our leaders got us into a virtually unwinnable war.
  13. I wouldn't call gettin worked up, i'd call trying to heighten the situation... ie.) half of the crap i say on PPP when Holcomb's Arm is talking. My object is to make this person continuously make an ass out of himself/herself.
  14. no actually he was at an elite top 50 in the world level, as his times were 13.81 and 49.77 for the hurdles. Both of those times easily place him in the top 50 in the world for any given year. Please keep talking out of your ass, i am enjoying it too much.
  15. I am almost a crusader on Moorman's speed, but the reality is that he could compete with most of the D-I guys w/o doubt. Hell I am a D-III hurdler and sprinter, and I have spanked some D-I athletes in my day. The sad truth is that some of the D-I "talent" is misevaluated and does not deserve to be there while some D-II and D-III hidden gems can put a whooping a good chunk of the D-I scholarships athletes. In fact, I met a pro-Pole Vaulter who was D-III that was the best in all of the NCAA a few years back. So, your claim that Moorman was just a D-II athlete is a lame excuse as he was voted the best D-II athlete his senior year for his track and football accomplishments. Again proving some ingorance
  16. lol i have to bump this just because of this quote
  17. damn hands down natalie man. definitelya cutie
  18. could you possibly fathom that the majority of our top athletes are training in popular speactator sports like football baseball and hockey, as opposed to ones of a more international flavor? Seriously, If you had Deion Sanders in his prime as a striker, he probably would have notched a ton of goals. Brian Moorman, just a hair off being ranked in the top 25 or top 50 in the world in both hurdles events while he was at Pittsburg State. To state that our country is lacking athletes is like saying Osama bin Laden is lacking nose hair
  19. I'd ask Wayne Huizenga "How long will it be before someone else quits on your team?"
  20. First off, I am actually in great shape in general, so the cycling can almost be too much on the body, but in general I love exercising on my bike good 30 miles. If a Saturn exec said that and it is true, then some people should be pimp slapped around.
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