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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. yeah i already did mine, and got over 1200 back. but that is because i pull $15 from my check each week so i get a nice refund each year, or to prevent me from paying (10 fed 5 state).
  2. yes bflodan used to claim to have ESP, but he got sued by john edward, the biggest douche in the universe
  3. Ok, i'm leaving the rules on this one a lot more open then the previous "Greatest songs of all-time" thread i had a few months back. The only rule are that it has to not violate the TOS which have been created by Scott and co. EDIT: this is meant to be light-hearted and fun So, I will start this off: Scott is selling this site off because his other fansite has consumed his life, especially since the team has been winning. Besides, he doesn't like the idea of cheering for a team that is moving to Toronto
  4. well i can urinate on it, then set it on fire... but it almost seems too wrong to burn a bills jersey (probably why i still have my Bleedslow jersey). Seriously, if you throw a Marino/ Brady/ Brian Cox jersey in there, it might be worth my while
  5. this is tragic. you can only feel bad for the family and the organization there.
  6. agreed, besides you never put your stars on the ice after something like that... especially when on the road... Murray should be slapped for that
  7. well she is a lesbian... Big F***in Deal. So, she will allow no man to get w/ her. But to say that she is a virigin is kinda deceiving if she is in a relationship w/ another woman, because you have to assume that she has done sexual stuff.
  8. kinda scary that the jv sabres are doin so well
  9. on the whole test possibly... which was far better than Holcomb's Arm score of 3.5 which he attributed to walking out to go to the bathroom. However, various witnesses confirmed that he was arguing about regression towards the mean with a world renowned statistics guru Mihail Barbosu
  10. but you are not wearing them right now ... i'mjust busting your stones
  11. lent... nah not my style... one of the cool things about being agnostic... no sacrifice to god
  12. what if by some freakish chance Adrian Peterson slips to 12? I could see it happen, but the writing is on the door for willis, there may not be a LB worth taking at 12, also DT may be something where marv and modrak are hoping for more growth out of mccargo and williams. In addtion, CB is not the most important position in a cover 2, since you generally do not see the CB responsible one on one too much deep down the field. FWIW, I could see the bills also drafting Gaines Adams if he is available at 12, with the possibility of utilizing Hargrove on the inside as well as at the end.
  13. I did I am just saying that maybe we should expect a gem like reed to come around now and then.
  14. he'll make, i'm that confident about it.
  15. yeah i checked out the forum and it was pathetically underutilized.
  16. In all fairness, one round earlier, you don't expect 4th rounders to make a whole lot of impact, but a former bills fourth rounder named reed is heading into the hall of fame. So, it isn't unfair to expect some impact from some of the late round picks.
  17. well draft status is a huge part still, becuase it is a bearing on how much we are paying him. That said, we are still holding losman to his draft status after year 3, so we might be holding williams to that in a sense just as long. BTW congrats on the 1k mark shhh.... stop bringing in facts to this discussion... he was on a roll
  18. Numa Numa She Bang William Hung!!!!
  19. probably on roids... and #6 has an extensive criminal record ... if you mean the bench guy in the first video...he has no legs at all, none, so he would not work. but quite possibly the doctor that squats 1000lbs
  20. damn straight... he's bitching about the interim head coach at the time jeez they already fired mooch at the point... Too muhc waste of resources for someone who was a goner anyway. The guy might a little trouble selling the site, until at least october (hopefully later)
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