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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I think you're giving him too much credit, I don't think Ralph and Marv have watched the 6 o' clock news since Irv was still anchor for channel 7
  2. I would have had smith up there until he screwed up the whole coaching staff... Probably have to put belichek up there along with polian and probably the guy with the Iggles
  3. good point rubes. love the little computer science touch on that too
  4. ew... usually the janitors were grotesque at every school i have been at.
  5. i get a good crack out of recent rap, just because the talent level has dropped immensely (huge dropoff from mid '90s to now), and the songs that are topping the rap charts are usually about how they getting paid for the song and how they got 22's on their Hummer. The rappers basically promote a style of life that most people can't identify with and more importantly can't afford. the ones who have stuck w/ the rap lifestyle end up either dead or broke as hell because they spend all of their money on the material possessions like ice and chrome. I think this is the backlash saying that "i am not going to let untalented rappers try to exploit black people"
  6. umm... i didn't get any points last year when i got nailed for going 81 in a 65 i took over 6 months to pay them off and didn't get anything from the state either. the only reason i paid it off is because i am going into teaching, and can't have any loose ends like that.
  7. to be fair, IIRC schobel got two of those in garbage time on the backup QB who had no pocket prescence (Clemens i think?)
  8. little correction here. Kelsay plays left DE, Schobel plays right DE. The right DE faces the left OT and left DE faces the right OT
  9. as much as i hate bush, i hope they aren't foreshadowing some conspiracy that might be happening in real world
  10. Well i think any championship calibre would have Schobel as a starter, including Indy Schobel > Mathis IMO. But I have to say that i think the amount we just paid for kelsay was too rich for my blood. I would have signed Hargrove and possibly looked for another DE in the draft or FA, and looked to put that kind of cash towards a new CB or guard
  11. i don't think this one is dead, but w/ fayed dead this will be interesting to see the next few episodes
  12. is that why michael jackson named his son blanket? wow i thought jacko was too fruity to like football
  13. Come on mike that would be great to see that on there yahoo's definition of retatta make sure you click to zoom in on it
  14. solid post man. I agree with most of that, especially the analysis of Leonard. I do have to say that you might have to use a day 1 pick to get a Daniel Graham/ Ben Watson/ Jeremy Shockey type. Antonio Gates is the exception to the rule, though i think Peters, if he didn't tranistion over to RT (then LT) would have been a nightmare to matchup on TE due to his combo of athleticism and size.
  15. Wow, i have seen high school jv girls basketball games that were much higher scoring than that.
  16. word is out that mike bell is in shannie's doghouse should that might be a possible trade
  17. wait a minute, is that a basketball score or a football score?
  18. wow 40k. eesh that is what my student loan is getting to be. When all else fails, you could do the tyler durden thing and blow up the IRS
  19. I heard that cablelady secretly has DirectTV in her place
  20. yeah i am aware of that... but considering other ways i have pi$$ed money away during my college years, this usually set me up for the first months rent plus deposit on my summer apt. After this December, I am graduating and moving out of state probably middle of next year, so i might stop doing that after this year. Besides, if i had that 15 bucks I'd spend on stuff that i probably do not need.
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