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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. sorry and i thought you were supposed to be all knowing
  2. that i can agree with. Parents are not supposed to introduce new concepts to the students but the parents are supposed to be there as a resource IMO. What I was getting at is the strong correlation between parental involvement and student success.
  3. i have to say that it is better than the naked trucker or the sarah silverman shows... that said this show has some potential, but in all likelihood it will be canceled after a season or two
  4. why don't we change the euphemism from "winning percentage" to "points percentage"? Seems rather more correct IMO.
  5. some of the schools i was mentioning in cali, there are 40 + kids in a classroom. Some spots, it is so bad that you have to arrive early to school to ensure that you have a desk to sit at, thus driving up the dropout rate.
  6. it is the parents job to make sure that their kid is succeeding in school. Sure, they are some crappy teachers out there, but reality is that 40 minutes a day by 180 days/ year (for each subject) is probably not enough time spent refining skills and adding new ones to the child's reptoire. You can whine all you want about the teacher assigning your kid some work to do at home, but it comes down how much do you want your child to succeed. Parental involvement is integral for the success of the child.
  7. dude, for the record, a student typically looks at school work how the parent does. And if you think that the kid having a need for help with homework is not your problem, your kid suffers. Reality is that a lot of kids need more help than a teacher can provide. You also live in Cali, where the teachers have the stiffest requirements to become a teacher, thus there are fewer of them and they get overworked and have less time for preparation and time to help the kids, not too mention overcrowding of schools. What you are expecting out of teachers is for them to wear an S on their chests.
  8. did in 4:45 and that is with me taking a minute to figure that i forgot tennessee... i am sure that tennesseeboy will frown upon this post
  9. well duke and high-character are words that are very scrutinized after the clusterfunk last year
  10. how must gado feel? the dudeleft green thinking he'd have a chance to start, and he might be a backup to Green again
  11. link "this is the closest i have ever gotten to first base"
  12. i agree, as someone who is student teachin in the fall, homework is a neccessity in order to allow the students to learn the content they need to know. We are burning kids out on structure and not allowing them to have oppurtunities to learn. Parents are the problem here for allowing this to happen, and to B word about the academic expectations of their kids, which will exceed the expectations that were placed on the parents. The whole education system is screwed because of No Child Left Behind and the parents. The whole premise of standardized testing does not favor the american school system because all of our children are in schools until grade 10 and all have the oppurtunity to get their high school diploma, where other countries look better because they restrict who can go to school after the age of 14 in some cases. Also, the whole emphasis on testing has been shown to reduce the amount of time spent on phys ed, science (i kid you not), music, and other arts. We are preaching to the country only math and english matter in the current setup. :rant off: sorry.
  13. you should know already since you left me the sacrificial hot 19 year old girls for me to take. For you heathens out there, I am the Hook-up God. Kneel before me and tremble
  14. all of the attendants are male so i would have to refuse there but yeah it was one of the few full service ones around but then again if you go to NJ, they require gas attendants to pump your gas by law
  15. damn freshie prolly had problems before then. That or the kid got him really good
  16. damn i did some goofy $#!t when i was 11, and to think that i could have been sued for some of it creeps me out. Then again, all i would do was piss out in public and play tackle street football.
  17. congrats head honcho, now you'll be able to help people get drugged up... I guess thats what jesus would do
  18. as your avatar might say "I pity the fool"
  19. that was such a dirty hit, if there is no suspension, the leafs ownership would have to B word like crazy too
  20. I just hope he is better than marcia brady was when she hosted the show
  21. in brockport, 2.49 and 2.58 rite across the road from each other... and the cheaper one is full service too
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