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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. tony hunter TE drafted 12th by the Bills in'83 two spots in front of Kelly. 4 year career two with the bills 134 career catches, only 69 w/ the bills. Tony Hunter
  2. Lili Von Shtupp: Is it true how zey say zat you people are... gifted? Lili Von Shtupp: Oh. It's twue. It's twue. It's twue, it's twue!
  3. Not 100% true. In general, yes, but far from being anything near 100%. As for me, I helped my roomie move into the new apt today and have been doing homework since but at least i had a guinness
  4. Kyle Brovlavski that damn Jew rat Leopold Stotch aka butters Randy Marsh aka That N*gger Guy seriously emo kids, goth kids morbidly obese people that criticize me for being too thin, even though I am 6'3 195 that cousin in the family that is always in and out of jail, and on crack
  5. well, mine is my first initial middle initial. J.Z. and my last name mcelligott is shortened to mack, which just sounds cooler than mc (or mick) so i went with it. Yes, I have a lot of people think I am called J.Z. because of that no talent assclown that started winning grammy's
  6. I wouldn't put this in the Darwin category, I'd put this in the Extreme Sports gone wrong category.... But i dunno about you guys after reading that I did a testicle check to make sure mine were still there
  7. Eric Cartman: "Es ist Zeit für Rache" Eric Cartman: "Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten"
  8. Damn regression towards mean. I'll misinterpret what my sources are saying and blame it on wikipedia
  9. Sorry Steve that you have to tell willis every play, its cuz he can't read The U producing criminal football players since 1929 Daddy, you forgot my child support Man thats McGayhee "I painted myself like the end zone, so Willis will never find me"
  10. gah, molson makes me ashamed to be a liberal with r-tardness
  11. I wouldn't mind ricky if the NFL took weed off of its banned substance list.
  12. we are all waiting for HA to progress towards the mean
  13. you just can't give up Reading through this thread is like watching you walk intoi quicksand, and instead trying to get pulled out, you seem to be diving deeper in. If people didn't agree with you 30 pages ago, why continuously bring this crap up? Do you like saying crap to the point where you are creating a giant bullseye on your back?
  14. They will? I don't Marv knows what he'll do tomorrow (kinda wish there was a helen keller smiley here)
  15. Mood: Wild Cat Fun: Conqueror Habits: Junkie Monkey Love: Love Bug
  16. So you basically hate every rock act that has been big from the late 90's till mid 00's. I agree w/ Dr. Fong that Phish is not my type of band, but awesome musicians. When I was I was in high school, my school's sports boosters worked the one side of the concessions at the Darien Lake PAC for this Phish show. So, it starts downpouring like you wouldn't believe at this show and these teenage girls are walking around in white tees and some are flashing my principal and asst. principal to get beer. As I take a trip to the bathroom, the line is superlong (longer than any i have seen at the Ralph) as people are cramming in there to get out of the rain. Every toilet and quite a few urinals were occupied by four legs and you got to see all sorts of drugs being consumed. As I get to the urinal i look to the left and see this couple going at it, and to the right this dude is offering me a joint. So after i piss and take a couple hits I dash back through the pouring rain to the concessions. After the rain breaks my buddies and I bolt out of the work to walk around and enjoy the concert for free. As I am walking through the lawn I got to watch the show and enjoy some of the "goods" being passed around. But I was really impressed w/ their guitar licks and can see why the big time druggees love listening to them.
  17. there woman was charged w/ impairing the morals of minors that is beyond rediculous to charge the woman, let alone convict her...
  18. You are right Jim, the better acts out right now are usually in their late 20's to early 30's when they start get the big break. The only exception in the past couple years from a legit talented artist that i can think of is Anna Nalick
  19. I almost think the penalty fits the crime. I would put some cash on him sitting to start the season next year, especially with the Isles being a few pieces away from making a serious run IMO
  20. yea the boys of summer drive me nuts, had to listen to them a ton for one of my jobs during summer break. and on a bigger level, I can't stand the Pussycat Dolls... manufactured talentless tramps
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