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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. "hate is a strong word, but i really really really don't like you" - Plain White Tees FWIW I klove this gem here: "Experience is a great teacher, and I think I've played a lot of games, and when I went in there I did well," - Holcomb
  2. its there, but you can't do anything on it... its really messed up... sorry clumpy, we still love ya over here
  3. Should we make Holcombs_Arm change his name to something a little more fitting to his posting style? My suggestion for his new name is: Regression_to_the_mean Anyone else w/ good ideas for a new name for him?
  4. he'll slip back into a coma soon enough, just you see... But I like how this episode panned out in relation to the last few
  5. I want some elaboration of that... I was saying that the performance was from SB XXV, and bobby brown is really the worst thing that happened to whitney
  6. Congrats NJSue wannabe that is some great sh*t but you can't expect someone who supposedly turns 22 tomorrow, and maybe 3 the next day to act as mature as Sue
  7. They are there, however it hasn't been as big of a deal due to the raising of the cap
  8. I get the reference here I long for those days. Then again she is the prime example of why "cocaine is a hell of a drug"
  9. So you want a feared beast, This one bleeds Buffalo Blue
  10. not intending to be a nazi, but did you need to make a second thread about the same topic within one day? EDIT: thx mods.
  11. This isn't the first time that he has accused the house like such, But then again anyone who disagrees w/ him is generally scrutinized by him for whatever reasons. He is the guy, when asked if his involvement in Halliburton was inethical in rebuilding Iraq, told the Congressman "F*ck You"(God I miss the middle finger smiley). I kinda figured that Bush would have gotten rid of him at some point over the past 6+ yrs.
  12. I have to take a stance like /dev/ did here. If you go to an insult chat room, people are gunna be mean to you and egg you on to suicide or killing then sleeping w/ a deer. To hint that the people on the chat room are responsible is stojan, and i show no sympathy for anyone who commits suicide. if they want to do it that bad, they will attempt it over and over again, until they either succeed or find a reason to live.
  13. another one that i like that is british metal artists Bullet for My Valentine Tears don't Fall Cries in Vain
  14. Honestly, the thing about metal bands in that it is about the music, the instrumentals and whatnot. That said I also love Static-X which is the antithesis of what you seem to like, but their music gets me so pumped
  15. good call thats who i was gunna say. I'd also recommend the murderdolls
  16. eh, ok i see your point... I just don't think that we could ever turn things over to the iraqi gov't w/o an imminent collapse due to the social climite. I would have been in support of the implementation of two or three gov'ts one for each religious sect (ala the division of India). That said, I'd still rather not see our cash go to Darfur
  17. Tom i agree with the other parts of the post, but i have to raise the questions "Is saving all of those lives worth draining funds from our recovering economy?" and if the answer is yes, then "Why is it only America's problem?". Seriously, I believe that we should take care of our own issues first (like our homeless and starving) before going overseas to save other countries civilians. I really take issue with the amount aid distributed around the world for the starving in overpopulated areas, when we neglect our own issues.
  18. boo, i want to be able say Mick or Cracker w/o people sending me to sensitivity trainin.
  19. probably should have tried OL, the Bench press is the most practical to that position.
  20. yeah if i were able to convince her to that, I'd be a "happy" man the whole time around the block, and back into the bedroom
  21. And that reminded me of a different song and this is uncensored
  22. lol nah my name is not meazza j/k. Besides I hate those kinds of people like I hate dolphin fans... a whole lot
  23. I'd be streaking around the block if that happened or if the Sabres won the Cup
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