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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. you'd fvck a sheep, so you giving her an 8 wouldn't exactly say much
  2. Holy hell i lost half of my post count and my name got reset back? Does this mean that Jack is Jis again
  3. you mean that coy wire isn't man enough to backup SS and the LB spots?
  4. HBD and test suck, hso i hope you did well enough to get your edamacation
  5. Yea I definitely miss BiB. He was a poster that you can honestly say that contributed to the board and didn't act like one of the loonies here.
  6. that is my point exactly. Imus is about as important in today's culture as Scott Baio. So, my generation might know a little about Imus but could give two squats what he has to say.
  7. She says their offended, but in reality i think she wouldn't have gave a crap if this situation wasn't blown out of proportion. She probably would just thought "Ok Imus is an idiot" and left it at that.
  8. Ok, today is the 60th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier to become the first black man to play in Major League Baseball. I'm getting a great chuckle out of the pundits that are complaining that about the fact that there are less black players in baseball now. Well, these egg-heads with single digit IQ's and double-digit weekly salaries must realize that there is a large influx of foreign born players. These foreign players have benefitted from Jackie Robinson as much as Bonds, Sosa, or Griffey have. With such a large number of foreign born players, of course there are going to less black players in the big leagues, but then again there are less white american players too... you don't see Whitey Ford, Bud Selig, or any pundit complaining about that. In addition, these pundits are mentioning that a lot of elite black athletes are playing basketball and football instead of baseball. So, that explains a bit of it too. I really don't see the problem here... This leads me into my next point, how come Don imus gets chastised to hell for being a racist? Seriously, calling a women's basketball a bunch of "nappy headed hoes" is hardly racist in relation to sexist beliefs that are there."Nappy headed" is a very reasonable term that describes black persons hair, particularly if the hair is in short very tight curls. Now, a "hoe" is definitely sexist, no arguing that. But I am playing devil's advocate here. Now you have a shock jock that most of america doesn't pay attention to, and he is calling a bunch of women basketball players hoes. Now I can guarantee with 95% certainty that none of the players heard the comments from Imus live. Also, I can guarantee that a good chunk of the players said "who the hell is Imus?" And you get to see the coach saying "we are deeply offended and hurt by these statements." I call bull sh-- to this. Seriously, you are a coach that receives criticism by your players, fans, and media; so take your criticism, let the guy sound like the retard he is. Now, I do not think that Imus should have been fired from his jobs. Honestly, he had a slip of the tongue that was blown out of proportion. Shock Jocks are supposed to do stuff like that. Anyway, just look at the crazy sh-- that Howard Stern has pulled over the years. Now, i think that is the biggest double standard then. I get a laugh out of how Sharpton and Jesse Jackson putting up a stink about this. Actually, I am getting a bigger laugh out of how wrong Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the media chewed apart those three kids from Duke. It turns out that they were wronged by the media, the rogue prosecutor (Mike Nifong), and the PC police (Sharpton, et al...). Everyone and their brother believed that these 3 lacrosse players raped the exotic dancer (aka stripper for the non PC crowd). But it turns out that the girl lied about everything. So where are Sharpton and Jackson to apologize to these three men whose lives are ruined after this cluster!@#$? Another one that bothers the hell out of me is Steven A. Smith. The guy can never make a point without screaming and accusing other people of being ignorant. I was happy that ESPN took off his show, but wished they would have fired him outright. He is the uber-annoying guy that makes me turn off SportsCenter and he seems to turn everything into a race issue too. Some of the stuff that he gets away with saying, a white man can not. I really believe that he is a black supremecist on air that goes way over the top to make his point. I have heard from my black friends that he makes black people look bad. Now to show that I am not a racist, I will mention how I do beleive that Genarlow Wilson should not be rotting away in jail. A boy who was 17 with no criminal record is at a party with his buddies and someone is taping the party. Well two girls, one 17 the other 15, commit sexual acts on 6 different guys. So the next the 17 year old girl accuses six boys of rape including Wilson. The other 5 who have criminal records plead guilty to avoid long sentences. Wilson, on the other hand, had no criminal record and didn't want to be forced to move out of home because he has a little sister. So, he pleads not guilty, while the police are looking at the videotape, they notice that the 15 year old girl starts initiating oral sex on Wilson. Everyone admits that she initiated the sexual conduct. So, he gets convicted for 10 years for "Aggravated Child Molestation" for the blow job, but would have only gotten a misdemeanor if he just had intercourse with the girl. What makes this even worse is that the law has been changed so he would have served at most 12 months for the blow job, but the prosecutor will not let him out. So this poor kid has served over 2 years for something that is only punishable for up to 12 months now. The District Attorney has no intention of letting the poor kid out, and even worse he is label as a sexual offender now. The funny thing is that Wilson is a black kid in Georgia that didn't know that a blow job could get him 10 years in jail, and no 17 year old white kid had ever been convicted under the "Aggravated Child Molestation" law. What I am trying to get at is that society has a long way to go before racial equality, but we need to lighten up a bit and not turn everything into a racial issue. Some people are retarded bigots, while others say sh-- for the sake of saying them. This goes both ways, there are black bigots too. In order to get past all of this, we as a society must move on and get through the messed up world we live in. So, I plead for all of us to shut up Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on these superficial subjects, and to take everything for face value. Feel Free to Flame away at any part of this long post
  9. I think if Peterson is gone before 12 (pretty likely) and no one else has made a trade for Turner, then Marv will pull the trigger either for this year's second or a third this year and a 3rd next year (same price as macgahee, a 1000+ back)
  10. agreed... that 3rd would be better served for a RB better than Garret Wolfe if anything
  11. I guess her snatch has seen any action 30 years either
  12. I'll be pissed if the weather is crappy and my school doesn't cancel again
  13. Kinda sounds like Genarlow Wilson case
  14. I like Cuban's rogue "against the man" personality. But I think he would move the team to Toronto or LA, before staying put in Buffalo
  15. If they are paying taxes, i do believe that at least makes their stay over here somewhat legit, after all they aren't draining the economy in this respect
  16. Yeah it was nice watching soupy and druuuuury nail 2 a piece
  17. Sept. 9 DENVER BRONCOS W Sept. 16 @ Pittsburgh Steelers W Sept. 23 @ New England Patriots L Sept. 30 NEW YORK JETS L Oct. 8 DALLAS COWBOYS W Oct. 21 BALTIMORE RAVENS W (Second Prediction: MacGahee's ego is shredded after he runs 19 carries for 10 yards, and gets heckled persistently by the Buffalo faithful) Oct. 28 @ New York Jets L Nov. 4 CINCINNATI BENGALS W Nov. 11 @ Miami Dolphins L Nov. 18 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS W Nov. 25 @ Jacksonville Jaguars W Dec. 2 @ Washington Redskins L Dec. 9 MIAMI DOLPHINS W Dec. 16 @ Cleveland Browns W Dec. 23 NEW YORK GIANTS L Dec. 30 @ Philadelphia Eagles L 9-7, but I fear at this moment that it may be closer to 7-9 again this year
  18. When I was in my mid teens, my cousin, buddies and i would walk stoned from the middle of Depew to Apple Tree to watch movies, after watchin one we'd sneak in for 2 or 3 more... ya know to get our $1's worth. We had some crazy adventures just walking to the movies, especially since we would cut through abandoned railroad tracks and bridges that would drop 30 feet into cayuga creek if you fell. I miss those days
  19. well even if you don't like billy idol, there was stilll our lady peace, Static-X, Flogging Molly and 30 Seconds to Mars, all of whom played really good sets, especuially 30 STM where frontman Jared Leto climbed up to the catwalk above the stage and walked across it without missin a beat
  20. just let the guy roll in his ignorance. The Bills are better than the most pessimistic bills fan and worse than the most optimistic bills fan. That said given the progress the bills made last year i think that the offense will carry the team as the offense had only lost one key player that hasn't been replaced at this point. I think JP takes more steps forward this year and the team hovers around 8-8 again. My Prediction: The bills will be playoff bound 2008-2009, with the only starter not under contract for '08 being Cieslak, I think the continuity will allow the bills to become one of the most dangerous teams in the league
  21. sure you can... the pats have had 2 weeks to prepare for the Bills for at least one game since 2004, and last year they had 2 weeks to prep for both games. that is not right to do any team
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