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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Pastor Manning goes off on Obama way over top. Lots of gems on this one Pastor Manning Video Obama pimping out white and black women with 54 D chests is one of the best laughs... but it is worth the 9 minutes of listening. FWIW Manning is heavily biased towards Clit'n.
  2. Agreed... Seriously between Sharpton once saying that a white girl deserved to get raped in Central Park and Jackson calling NYC "Hymieville", their words mean nothing to me. They are as rediculous as Obama's pastor or the pastor that was featured on Shredd and Ragan today that went way over the top on trashing Obama. Sharpton and Jackson have set back blacks 25 years with their actions and hypocrisy(see Duke lacrosse rape case). EDIT: Pastor Manning (the one that Shredd and Ragan featured)
  3. Here's a question to raise: if the girl passes herself off as 18, which she did, is it wrong to leak the footage? I mean this in the sense, the girl could have had a fake and presented that off.
  4. media is always biased towards big markets and traditional powerhouses. Neither of those are buffalo. So, bobanas we have to swallow our pride when watching sports shows until the Bills start winning more than 10 games/ year
  5. Something tells me that Tom is ancy to get his handgun from the local Wal-mart .
  6. yes... that was a notable omission from my summary there. I'll maintain that Britney blowing her head off is/was one of the funniest moments in South Park history
  7. train engineer to kill her? Cameltoe again comparing Britney's demise to human sacrifice. I'm missing the reference of everyone surrounding Britney. lol Hannah Montana next
  8. Britney leaving everything and the news focuses on her cameltoe Butters being corralled by animal control Good little yellow brick road reference. "Son, Britney Spears has to die" then the reporters singing in Latin in evil tone
  9. Britney pissing on a ladybug The boys sneaking into her hotel room , and she shoots herself in the head OMFGLOL with a shotgun... and surviving Boobjob scars Her manager compliment the "no head look" Briteny trying to sing after that. Britney at the MTV awards and the harsh reviews on her
  10. Yeah I would would bike up to campus in Brockport for classes/ work. Didn't worry about shower, due to short rides and manual labor jobs. But i had the courtesy to bring deodorant and cologne. For anything in town, I'd recommend riding the bike, strictly for the gas benefits. It was nice to only have to drive to get groceries on some weeks.
  11. I'm pretty stoked about tonite's episode. Also, props to Comedy Central for showing Cartoon wars pt.2
  12. Wow Dean, Spam, and I were really close about Billdo being Hogboy .
  13. Yes, dammit we need the :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: smiley back
  14. Going a different way from you guys here. The Cardinals a few years back took Bryant Johnson and Anquan Boldin in 1 and 2. The year after, they took Larry Fitzgerald. What that did is solidify their receiving core. However, the rest of the team still sucks I wouldn't mind the Bills going this route and grab a TE in the 3rd. But, other positons will not be improved.
  15. sh--, I have slammed the desk on kids when they are sleeping... it pisses me off and it is disrespectful when i have a certain student who is asleep in the middle of the day twice a week on average
  16. Yeah, that is pretty evident by the tard bashings you given over the years. Holy hell, I just wondered how this thread went from 2 pages to 5, and thats a good 10 minutes I'll never have back
  17. in your quoted article, it says that he'll probably sign for less than what Asante Samuel did. 6 years 57 mill 20 guaranteed
  18. Easily one of the best posts in a long time and one hell of an idea.
  19. I'll disagree with this and say that we were born naked and why shouldn't the human body be worshipped by a bunch of guys who want to fire off some knucklechildren
  20. You mean it wasn't the June Jones system?
  21. she's hot, but hot in the way that i'd double wrap it
  22. My friend Jose forgives you... and will be mow your lawn for $1.50/ hr.
  23. Damn... beat me to it. As for me, I live in an apt. complex. So, my landlord pays his workers to take care of it
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