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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Hey from the self-proclaimed "cheap shot artist", you have to give him the credit for taking a stab at ya. By the way, how were Billdo and BGW "intellectually stimulating?"
  2. How bout when the Bills go down a touchdown in the first quarter, we sing "it's the end of the world as we know it."
  3. Brackets are getting wrecked, that is whats happening
  4. You've never watched homestar or the Strong Bad emails? You gotta watch the cartoons to understand the story of Trogdor
  5. THE BURNINATOR!!!!! I really gotta catch up on the SB-emails. Those were always a ton of fun to watch.
  6. I noticed that too. I'm going to put one up that no one else has: Jabari Greer, one heck of an overachieving UDFA IMO
  7. no they drafted a guy two years ago who took over the reins from him, a guy by the name of Kellen Clemens. So they went from having a QB with the arm of an old woman to a QB with the name of an old woman
  8. I agree with most of this post. and I can say that I was in the same type of situation that Diva is in. The problem I guess was that I interpreted the girl's actions the wrong way an awful lot, but at the same time she used that to her advantage. It can't be a two way street or there will be issues. Over the past 5 years that I have known the girl, we have had ups and downs in our friendship, but I think a big part of the picture is if the guy can get over the sexual/ emotional attraction. That was the hardest and most painful part for me, but I have grown up. As far as things being different: they will get better (most likely), but will also have a different dynamic than before. The more you try to force things to go back, the more resistance both of you will have. The more you embrace the change and maturity, the more comfortable things will be between you and him.
  9. Damn you guys are having some good stuff. I am gonna make some Honey Glazed Pork. Reason being that I eat ham often enough
  10. One has to wonder when Alex Smith was progressing under Norv Turner if that was the right system for him? It could be that SF had a piss poor offensive scheme/ coordinator.
  11. only after you buy a personal seat license Ralph needs your money!!! Albany's answer is probably correct
  12. right now my only killer is gonzaga as i had them making another underdog run (though they aren't the darlings they used to be)
  13. Wait... You mean to tell me that you formulate your opinions from what LSI, Billdo, and Bills Will Be Ok post? the front page itself is good news, everything else is drivel especially what that justnzane character posts.
  14. Hopefully your significant other will send you out with some wine
  15. Thank you for adding something of substance to this discussion and board
  16. Hey if you have a job that requires you to do so, why complain about it?
  17. Ok, so would you get a smirk from hearing about a woman dying from being beaten with dildo?
  18. Why don't you make like a tree, and get the !@#$ out of here
  19. Happy B-day to all, and to Mandy's future bf: keep staying at tree level and she'll climb to you
  20. OhBF sorry to hear, and RIP Wayne Davis. Seriously 44 is way to young, and this probably had an effect on ending his career.
  21. yes. i thought it was so bass ackwards: Clinton did stuff for my neighborhood, so let's give his wife a pass, while Obama is not black enough so F*** him
  22. I second that. PTR thanx for being the draft droid extraordinaire
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