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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Man there is some weird revisionist history here. Whaley took over after the 2013 draft. He did not draft EJ, the good ol Southern hick did. That same good ol Southern hick got scammed by a couple of punks. They recorded him talking crap about Fritzy, which led to his release. Whaley's potential QB's that were realistically possible starters as FA's or top 3 round QB's are: Kolb Orton Whitehurst McCown Thad EJ Manziel Bridgewater Carr Garropolo None of these QB's have shown that they can be a long-term solution. When Whaley has a chance to find better talent, we'll see what can be done. However, he took over after last year's draft, not before.
  2. sphere o beer, could you change to EJ so we have a good QB of the future?
  3. I take it intravenously , so I can get high on the drug known as the Buffalo Bills.
  4. Hoyer was Drew Stanton's backup at MSU.
  5. No, but don't allow them to have a home game then... ie guarantee a playoff spot, but seed by record so wild card team can host a game.
  6. yeah I am on Croydon right by Como. I have a number of the volunteer firemen for bellevue in my neighborhood where I got to watch them switch out around noon today. Really a wild sight. It was awesome watching a payloader get stuck on Como and Freemont yesterday. Transit in front of Depew High was a parking lot last I saw.
  7. If you are referring to Lester Holt being on Borden, Como park Blvd is plowed enough where emergency vehicles have been up and down it all day. Side streets in the area are plowed enough for snowmobiles to get through.
  8. The Steelers have no cheerleaders and have won more Super Bowls than anyone else. So, what is your point?
  9. So, a team doctor can't prescribe drugs to a player while on the road? I have a feeling the NFL and NCAA will buy off some leniency on this one. You can basically find every D-I school and professional sports team guilty on this one.
  10. I'm asking this: What did they contribute to the team or to the fans?
  11. without seeing the play if it is thrown over the head out the back of the end zone, intentional grounding is not to be called.
  12. the drum group> Jills as far as in stadium experience.
  13. Kouandjio part 2 is better than Kouandjio part 1.
  14. Maybe the Broncos already signed him and we haven't noticed yet? Seriously, if he was blacklisted for being an !@#$ (which his rep goes far beyond his time at Miami), then he is a major !@#$ who needs to learn to perspective. Let's face it, if you are that big of an !@#$ to be blacklisted from the NFL (who harbors murderers, wifebeaters, childbeaters, drug dealers and rapists), you to have be one of the biggest ones on this planet.
  15. Homey, the 2nd to last drive where they pound the ball down the field into the red zone, and then go empty backfield 4 plays in a row. That is a tactical error, especially since Orton is a statue who does not posses the speed of a rapelisberger, rg3, vick,or Wilson. I coach other sports at the high school level throughout the year, but there have been a few losses that have left me restless for the night, where I cope by drawing up new plays, altering practice plans, and casually drinking Captain Morgan during the one man inquest. There have been rough seasons where after trying to do everything in a night, I just flip on a movie or play Madden. I commend the coaches whose job is to do this. The NFL coach has to work their asses off during the season. These short rest Thursday games put them in a crunch, much like a quick deadline on a big project in other jobs. Should the Bills win Thursday Night, they will probably reward themselves with at least one day off this weekend.
  16. Instead of having 4th and 10 at the 15, they could have ran a different formation other than empty backfield and probably ran the ball twice.
  17. Without reading your first post Jay, yes... you have crashed the board too many times After reading that first post, yes, but that is a legit reason... you could place a bet on the Bills easily during that hypothetical game.
  18. about what? Do you have ambitions? Do you want to travel to Prague and meet a callgirl that you can make a bride? Do You capitalize the second word in every sentence in your part of the world? Is That considered proper English in that part? Do You love the Cleveland Clowns too? Are You named after cousin Vito's son? Do You have a feud with the Jets fans where your consigliere beat up an 8 year because he was braggin' about the gabagoul being better at the Meadowlands?
  19. Sorry, I am against expanding outside of North America for the reason that it will lead to excessive travel for the players and a very convoluted league setup that would make the playoffs hellacious for road teams. I'd rather have separate leagues per country or small block of countries, much like soccer and basketball have in place around the world. That way, we could end up with American champs and a separate international playoff series.
  20. Wow I beat this topic by 20 hours... go me
  21. http://www.nfl.com/n...freeagent-flops Good move Doug.
  22. I think he'll make the cut, but the jewelry collection is largely due to not !@#$ing up and having a great D and run game. To say that he was even a top 5 QB for a large chunk of his career is a stretch. Thus, I believe he shouldn't be a HOF'er. With only 3 pro bowls and 3 time league worst in picks thrown (first year was his first SB win). I'd be appalled if he was a first ballot player.
  23. I'd want Luck, Wilson, or Rivers (still has enough tread on his tires) or some Hershel Walker-esque number of top picks.
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