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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. PAsterisks the first time, Pasterisks the second time, and Pasterisks the third time when hosting them in Buffalo in January
  2. i'm thinking this one is a bit of a dud, but still nothing like Randy jacking off, then trying to use Stan's computer in the AM for that purpose, or Shelly beating the sh-- out of Stan "Once you've jacked off to Brazilian fart fetish porn, you can't go back to Playboy"
  3. i find this to be very agreeable. And to answer Tom, GW was the party leader with the majority of both houses controlled by his party. He could have used his influence to put emphasis on such measures. Meanwhile the energy bills that went through could have been vetoed with explanation of progressive measures that would cut our reliance on foreign oil.
  4. Tom I am going to pin the first one on GW as well. If we don't invade Iraq, they don't burn down the oil fields, thus more supply. Also, Bush could authorize the use of our reserves, which would increase supply. So, 2 out of 3 can be pinned on Bush IMO
  5. Ok, so let me get this straight, you'd rather have a guy with #2 receiver potential as opposed to somebody that could become a true #1 WR Tell me this, would you consider Issac Bruce and Torry Holt in their primes as #1 receivers, and if you answer yes, why wouldn't you like to have 2 #1 quality WR's as opposed to a #1 and #2? I would love to have a tandem like Bruce and Holt (before Bruce lost a step) or Boldin and Fitzgerald. The fact is I would want to have 2 go to guys as opposed to one that the defense would have to gameplan for. Now, when the Bills had Lofton and Reed, opposing defenses had to gameplan for both of them with someone keeping an eye on McKeller/ Metz as well as Thurman. I would want to have 4 or 5 playmakers at the skill positions instead of just the 2 that we have at the moment.
  6. I can't believe that douchebag dated Elisha Cuthbert
  7. Lindsey Lohan is acting as her in an upcoming movie, so does this mean that we get to watch some dude shoot his load on Lohan's face?
  8. Say what about Britney getting rear ended? In all honesty, I think the Googlebot caused one of Crayonz gerbils to run across Britneys path. So, she swerved to hit Dr. Philm who somehow rear-ended Britney and Oprah at the same time
  9. I'm impressed. The guy managed to escape the fuzz
  10. http://sportsradio1350.com/cc-common/news/...article=3533554
  11. But you are the official 5 star chef
  12. One thing lost in the crash was the discussion during and after the SB about what happens to the SB losers stuff. Sportscenter did a piece on this So, this year the third world country that thinks that the Patriots had a perfect season is Nicaraugua and Romania. In other news the city of Miami could use some free t-shirts. link to similar story from New York Times
  13. Good Luck Meatballs, enjoy the speedball and callgirl I sent to each of you
  14. Happy B-day Chef. May you serve the little crackers their lunch and sing about your sexual exploits.
  15. This just in, word is out that she is now so big that she can handle DVDA.
  16. Spot on for the most part. I disagree with the Oregon sentiment. I like their uni's as I find them to be somewhat cool, but a difference in tastes IMO
  17. Jeebus Christ that's funny. I remember some of the trashy girls I hooked up with when I was that age, though none were as bad looking as that woman . I also remember being a teen doing anything to get my rocks off.
  18. Because you have 80 year old men running franchises and making decisions. Sometimes they should just step down and avoid the embarassment, See Al Davis.
  19. I think it is a bit of an overblown statement. Seriously, there are a lot of disenfranchised bitter people that hate the system, and he did make a good point to say that they have fallen through the cracks of the last two administrations. Besides, I take nothing from the Huffington Post too seriously, as it clearly has a conservative bias. Point that the Post has no grounding in reality: They took a Daily Show segment that ripped on Fox News seriously
  20. the early 90's Nuggets ones were bad with the mountains looking like tetris pieces
  21. Dammit that means Al Gore was right. And if he was right about global warming, my god that means he is right about manbearpig
  22. Praise his CHROISE. CHROISE = charisma + poise together.
  23. Yeah, and poor college freshmen at USC will have to give the seniors with even more money to buy them Beast, Schlitz, or OE
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