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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Even Though I like Lindell, Shayne Graham would be a good one to have.
  2. Ok, so I don't understand the game. But I do understand that most teams don't pay 2.5 million a year for a backup receiver. I think if Hardy is as good as we hope, Reed is gone. This is because, our other Smurf receiver Roscoe is a dangerous slot receiver and again you don't pay $2.5 million for someone to be a 4th receiver. Good one. sweet. I'm always up for a good bet
  3. Figures a thread about sexual deviance by a pro athlete and the first to respond is meazza So, Ronaldo loves the gay hookers... betcha there'll be some chatter on the field when he is playing for Milan next
  4. Pepsi, I'll make a friendly wager with you: If Josh Reed makes the team, you can pick my avatar that I'll have to keep up for a month. And when Reed is cut, I'll pick your avatar that will have to stay up for a month. You want to take this deal?
  5. good thing we didn't draft him then Even though I would have supported it at the time.
  6. Again, you can thank the member of TSW: Just Jack aka JiS aka Jack in Syracuse for that video.
  7. Kevin Hardy at least the Bills got someone who can get 10 sacks in a giving season
  8. I'll say up here, the college softball girls have huge asses (some make David Wells' ass look tiny) and a higher number than average are lesbian. Just what every guy wants to see: lesbians with fat asses
  9. I agree with you there, and really i think speed limits are super conservative in some situations. ie.) a country road only being 55 when it could easily be 75, or an expressway/Thruway being 65 when it could be 85. However, my personal belief is that police should be protecting, serving, and solving real crimes; instead of waiting around at a certain spot to harass people as they drive on a road for going "too fast". There should not be room in a police budget for nitrous in every car and should have no reason to have a Corvette police car on the Thruway. In all, I think that there are too much police roaming around, especially with all of the silly drug laws. Legalize and tax the drugs, then we aren't spending billions on a war that we are losing; rather, we'd be making money off the druggies to put them in rehab programs. This would also mean less prisons. Oh yeah, my best was going 95 in a 35 (I was really wanting to get home for a piss). I was going to get pulled over for someone stealing my license plate and for going 50 in this 35. So I gunned it, zigged and zagged thru side streets. The cop couldn't get close enough to get my back plate number. I intelligently fooled him into thinking I pulled out of my apt. complex's parking lot by making a couple quick turns, then killing the lights as he blew by me. FWIW, I spent the next couple minutes stealing a license plate temporarily and scratching off bumper stickers
  10. Here is one for y'all: How about Courtney Anderson? Sometimes a retread does better in a different system.
  11. That video was put up by JiS... Really Creepy to see Bumblechin Butler
  12. I'll agree with you there, there are some instances where a quarterback takes a while to develop. However, I think Gannon may have benefitted from Balco at the time.
  13. NO, I do not use protein supplements, but my girlfriend drinks my protein shake ...and she never complains about the taste as she swallows it down
  14. Well, we could borrow from Beel Bellycheck's stash, or at least Eric Cartmenez's stash
  15. linky no worky BTW, the original link had me laughing hysterically yesterday
  16. Yeah, but look at his sig, he is a Cubs fan. I'd be negative about everything if my baseball team hasn't won in a century and my football team is overdue as well
  17. Well that is nothing compared to our previous two starting running backs. They, by now, have repopulated New Orleans all by themselves.
  18. George Wilson Antonio Gates Stephen Neal Just ones I can think of off of my head recently
  19. I agree with Marv there, as Clements was not a T2 corner, and last year in our base D McGee and Greer did better IMO. The Bills struggled in the Nickel and Dime situations as those guys were pathetic. Youboty was a bad pick by Marv and this may be trying to get some competition for the 5th spot in case we have injuries there.
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