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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. God damn that is freakin awesome. i wish I had the time again to commit to playing my guitar on a regular basis But that is good for an 11 year old Edit: Not a hard song if broken into parts, but the kid did it all at once with the fingerstyle
  2. Thirded For the lazy, he is crusading that the Pats did not cheat, and making an arse out of himself.
  3. Good story Bullpen, although i have to be a little smug and say that my favorite part of the story is that Oswego was eliminated by a few of my buds on Brockport Golden Eagle team. Rarely do you see examples of sportsmanship like that, buit stories like this are touching. It is safe to say that if it were Beeel Bellycheck in the injured position, the Bills and any other NFL team would have gone on and played .
  4. Sure I like the idea of that. Mods/Admins, can we do some kind of contest like that where we have a poll and we eliminate the one that is least hated. Or could we do some kind of brackets where we have 32 or 64 players square off round by round?
  5. ... and you haven't done the same about your hatred of JP?
  6. We would probably vote off the players we like, and keep voting to keep jagoffs like Willis on the island
  7. looks like an Anakin to Darth like transformation there. However, he still has a ways to go if he wants to become the next Hollywood Donahoe
  8. It is more about scapegoats, and while Milloy wasn't the Pro Bowl caliber player that he was for NE*, he wasn't completely torn apart here, either. My interpretation is basically players that flat out sucked (Bennie Anderson, Tim Anderson) failed to live to their own hype (Nate Clements), set the franchise back (Tom Donahoe, Ralphy), talked major sh-- about Buffalo (Willis MacGahee), or had sex with minors (Travis Henry)
  9. "Johnny Carson had a dark black **** that hung down to his knees, and he used to whip the young boys in the face, while burt reynolds would suck their !@#$s" Ok so that is mildly amusing. really, Stern is crude and not serious about his shtick. Now if it was Imus, there might be a case.
  10. Boy, you really missed the point here. The point was to list people that were goats in the Bills fans minds recently. the only ones on that list that qualify are bennie anderson (good example by the way), Shaud Williams, and maybe Villarial.
  11. How about Eddie "I got juked by Chad Pennington" Robinson Buffalo Billdo Larry Tripplett Nate Clements Melvin Fowler any Bills TE (minus Everett) and Tom Clements
  12. While his rant was a little off, his reason for the rant was warranted by the numerous times the Bills were cheated by the Pats*. If you want to see comments that make us look like dolts click on this thread here about homework
  13. Okay, you admit that, but can't admit to Spygate being unethical cheating? BTW, good job riling up the masses here. We haven't have a good troll thread like this since December
  14. Here is question: When has WGR ever had credibility? I remember Art Wander being an incoherent loudmouth years ago, and apparent little has changed
  15. Come on Steely, dontcha know that Troy Brown isn't just one player? He cloned himself years ago so his stamina wasn't effected by giving his all. Thus Bown gave his 220% every play
  16. ...There is a god!!! I'm probably going to watch some vintage Jack later just to get my fix that I have been desperately wanting.
  17. I misinterpreted the rules NSFW Willis check out the second video
  18. 30 years of marriage? no wonder you drink so much Enjoy the wine and congrats
  19. I have noticed that the most ignorant conservatives tend to bring that up as an argument point, and that he is "Muslim" even after the whole Jeremiah Wright thing has come to the forefront.
  20. Nah, its always the woman's fault for getting pregnant, she could have used a coat hanger instead
  21. Only after Guinness stops paying her to break her own world record I'd hate to be a teacher in the school that these kids go through, because by the time the last one goes through the school system, the teachers will be running through 25 'J' names to try to get the kids name right.
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