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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Great post. I wholeheartedly agree with every word of the post. Besides anytime a woman's chest is bigger than her ass, it is just too much breast for my liking.
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/06/07/cli...nity/index.html Hillary finally concedes. Now she can go back to her job of gagging on Bill
  3. easily one of your greatest posts ever.
  4. I love the South Park reference there :-P Prehistoric Iceman (if you have 20 minutes to kill.
  5. Without reading that lengthy post of yours, my suggestion is to kill her . Smother her with a pillow and leave a suicide note. If you don't want to go that route, then send her to a retirement home or an insane asylum and say that she is suffering from severe dementia
  6. So, that's where Jets fans actually come from... that would explain why they act like tribesman inside the stadium too
  7. Damn, I have missed out on this thread. My list: Orgazmo (Parker + Stone flick that spoofs on porn industry) Thank You For Smoking Let's Go To Prison Team America World Police (!@#$ Yeah) Grandma's Boy Silent Movie Accepted Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Johnny Depp is hysterical in this) and to whoever said Mom and Dad Save the World, it is such a crappy movie, but funnier than hell
  8. Damn beat me to it. i can't believe that this little tidbit slipped that far.
  9. Is it me, or is it bad that Pete Rose bet on baseball games (supposedly not his own) and consequently is banned for life. Meanwhile, Belicheat doesn't even get suspended. !@#$ Goodell!!!!
  10. you remembered it off memory, where I had to research that. to Ms. Information.
  11. God, you must have too much time on your hands today
  12. Ok, quite possible. but Patton was not on the team that year. After a little research I found that it was Carlton Bailey who scored in that game
  13. That was the playoff game where the Bills won with out scoring an offensive touchdown against the Broncos. I believe that was the AFC championship game before one of the losses to the Cowboys .
  14. Weezer's new video for "Pork and Beans" This video rips ona lot of the viral videos over the past few years, in a similar way that South Park did.
  15. that is the funniest characterization of any poster that I have seen in a while. Anyways a true conservative would want less regulation from the government. So, I think evil-con Darin is hoping that people start dying from overdose of THC in the blood stream . BTW, I agree with both of you.
  16. Happy Belated Birthday Jeff and RuntheDamnBall. :drink:
  17. By the way, it was Schmitt's Gay Beer RIP Chris Farley
  18. Damn not bad... Actually pretty freaking hot. That said to Cooley for hitting the cheerleader ass, and getting the girls canned after he was done with the one
  19. I think this slipped by a few people, but that is a good stab at JP's muffdiver
  20. No you missed out the thread where we linked pictures of our balls and dicks to compare size. Frankly, that is one those great threads that may be better off being deleted with the great crash of '08.
  21. I thought this thread was gonna be about hot women and good pix.
  22. Big Head Todd and the Monsters > Saliva and Klear Too bad I'll in Georgia by then
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