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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. The '80's wasn't horrible aside from the 2-14 years. We started out ok, and ended on a more positive note.
  2. I agree with cincy, excellent read and very truthful and accurate. I only wish that the Pats would have been taken down a notch for their cheating.
  3. supposedly this one wasn't sexual, but damn, as a teacher starting in August, I hope some of these crazy blondes turn their "affection" my way
  4. Cheers to all,happy b-day. Damn, I didn't realize that ap was as close to me in age, for some reason i thought he was older.
  5. Hey, relax a little bit man. The fact of the matter is that a well loved Bill may or may not have hit and ran away from an oversized Canadian woman on a Friday nite at 3:00 am. Since it is being brought to light that this woman is suing Marshawn Lynch and that her lawyer is issuing statements on her behalf to gather public sympathy, it gives the public some right to criticize her. While it isn't the classiest of threads on TSW, it was pretty clear that this thread was heading in a juvenile direction from the getgo based on the build of this drunk oversized Canadian chick. While some (including myself) have ripped on this girl for whatever reason, others including you have played the holier than thou role. The problem isn't that the board has some insensitive deliquents, instead the problem is that certain members of each perspective are trying to convince the other side to think like them. The reality is that you aren't going to convince another person to change his/her perspective on a topic like this as the issue is pretty divisive in nature. There are some threads that I sit out of, even though I disagree with the masses, because its not worth my time to argue with numerous people on the net. But that is just me.
  6. check my profile, you'll see what i look like... Besides, everything said in this thread is all in jest. After all, its the offseason, and there aren't too many funny football related things that go on. You must really be new to the internets thing
  7. Ross Perot Launches Public Information Website About U.S. Economic Crisis PerotCharts.com Illustrates that We Are Running Out Of Time to Stop Deficit Spending DALLAS, TEXAS - JUNE 16, 2008 /PRNewswire/—Ross Perot, business leader and former presidential candidate, announced today the launch of “PerotCharts.com,” a public information website that contains objective, factual information about the current economic crisis in America. The site is being launched as an alert and appeal for American citizens to inform themselves about federal government spending. Perot said, “The U.S. national debt reached $9.4 TRILLION on April 30, and it is increasing by more than $1 billion every day. We are leaving our children and grandchildren with debt they cannot possibly pay.” PerotCharts.com consists of three major components: a video featuring Ross Perot discussing the purpose of the website, a blog where new charts and other information are posted daily for study and comment, and a narrated chart presentation explaining the economic problems our country faces. The website is not affiliated with any political party or candidate. Most of the data and research for the charts is gathered from official government sources. “The economic crisis facing America today is far greater than anything since the Great Depression,” said Perot. “Our federal government continues to spend us deeper into debt. The American people must get directly involved and demand an end to deficit spending. This website will provide information for citizens to do just that.” Like the economic charts Perot employed in his 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns, which served as snapshots of complex economic issues presented in simple terms, PerotCharts.com features the latest official government figures about the real conditions of our economy for everyone to see and consider. The site is designed to be a reservoir of information about the economy, and provides an accurate look at where the money comes from and where it goes. David Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General and current president and CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation said, “Ross Perot is the father of fiscal charts, and PerotCharts.com will help Americans understand the serious fiscal challenges facing our nation. These updated economic charts will also serve to hold elected officials accountable while accelerating needed actions to help ensure that our collective future will be better than our past. What we need now is leadership from our elected officials.” Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives said, “Ross Perot is exactly right to echo Winston Churchill’s famous cry for ‘action this day’ to rally the nation to reform our entitlement programs, end deficit spending, and balance the federal budget. PerotCharts.com contains information every citizen needs to know so we can demand real change to get the nation on the right track. David L. Boren, former U.S. Senator and governor of Oklahoma and current president of the University of Oklahoma said, “The facts speak for themselves in Ross Perot’s powerful website for all Americans. Runaway spending and a rising national debt will destroy America’s future as a great nation. As more of our debt is held by those in other countries, our political independence is put at risk by our economic dependency. We must act now! “We simply cannot wait any longer to do something about runaway deficit spending,” Perot said. “This website addresses a number of issues, and we will add more in the coming weeks and months. But there is a common thread running through all of them. We cannot solve these problems unless we have the ability to pay for the solutions. Getting spending under control is the first step in that process.” For more information, visit PerotCharts.com
  8. no wonder marshawn hit her, she is so big that he thought he hit a chunk of the road. Damn the fat crazy drunkCanadian chicks for running into Marshawn's SUV
  9. shhh. He was on the chat room last year during the games, and basically ruined the experience for others enough that Fez had to boot him off the chat room a couple times.
  10. get well grant ... or else we (everyone on the board) are going to have to clean up our acts to follow you up to heaven
  11. Nice one gringo, I am going to celebrate today with retatta. I just have to remember that it takes 1 hour to be made.
  12. I was referring to LSI's overuse of the emoticons.
  13. RIP Mitch Frerotte... always one of the more entertaining characters on the Bills team
  14. we can also thank the Reagan highway spending bill. If you can get your leg shot off, you should be able to get a drink
  15. yes... !@#$ them... they can get real jobs instead of chasing ambulances and clogging up our legal system
  16. To quote many people that have actually been over in Iraq, we are not fighting true Al Qaeda there. Instead, we are fighting pissed off Middle Eastern Muslims that are calling themselves Al Qaeda, but truly have no affiliation with them.
  17. Anchorman is the source of many great quotes, and can only hope that this sequel creates more of these great quotes. Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart. Ron Burgundy: I saw that. Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident? Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident. Ron Burgundy: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.
  18. I agree. While winning as a benchwarmer is nice, most would rather play on a losing team.
  19. Who Dey, Uday, and Qusay are all criminals just like their parents the Cincinnati Husseins.
  20. I disagree Tom, it is there and swept under the rug all too often. Hell, I tried writing up a kid this weekend for calling another student a beaner, and I got in trouble more than the kid did. As much as it is not advertised, there are plenty of people that tell !@#$, wetback, gook, jew, and towelhead jokes at work or in private. Most white people do not know what it is to be the victim of racism and racist jokes, and blindly assume that things are kosher.
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