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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. He did coach a very pass heavy offense last year at detroit where kitna threw for 4000 yards. You think he wouldn't have Losman able to do that? Oh yeah that was also with hardly any running game to speak of.
  2. eesh. I hated the sound of the sitar, and usually the guy ends up playing for 90 minutes You beat me to it.
  3. Honestly, I would have a problem with Losman going to another team within the division, and not for the simple petty I wouldn't be able to root for him. Let's face it, JP is physically the most talented QB the Bills have had since Kelly (Bledsoe is up for debate). If JP has a coordinator like a Mike Martz who actually understands QB play and how to open up an offense, and JP could be a dangerous QB yet. I don't want to take that chance of him being in the division torching us twice a year.
  4. good read... maybe its my browser, but the link wouldn't patch me through, so I searched the site and found it.
  5. Today, NJSue turns 49. Let's hope she turned in her currency exchange homework
  6. as far as compatibility issues, yes.
  7. while reading that I kept thinking "We are the Borg, resistance is futile"
  8. Even though the original joke sucked and was in poor taste, i'll quote the late George Carlin: However, this whole McCain joke may or may not have been told, and FWIW it was 20 years ago. Everyone has lapses in judgement, even the "infallible" McCain. I think we all have told a joke or two in bad taste over the years. So, give the guy a mulligan. If you are going make an anti-McCain thread, make it on current events, such as his declining health, his policies, etc....
  9. that would be a funny reason to go to the Ralph. Now, if they did that along with a practice, I think it would be an awesome promo opportunity for people a little further out.
  10. I had the same issue, but when i opened up the case to check the hardware, i noticed that the power cable to the card wasn't on correctly Sometimes, it is the simple things that the OS can't be at fault for. Then again, I have a webcam built into the laptop and the computer doesn't recognize that it is plugged in (on its host program or in the drivers folder), but certain programs do.
  11. Was he nerdy to the extreme, whiter than sour cream? Was he in AV club, glee club, and even the chess team?
  12. Happy Birthday ya old fart I hope you have a good one
  13. Honestly, I was fortunate enough to see Breuer do stand up during my college years. I have to say, he was actually pretty funny. He had to have been higher than a kite, but he was actually pretty funny. to add to the list: -Larry the Cable Guy (do i really need to say why) -Ant (from last comic standing, couldn't do a joke without being annoyingly gay and talking about it.)
  14. Hamdan rcoks the CHROISE, which you cannot deny.
  15. there is some heavy spin on that. So what they weren't saying is that the amount of oil in the ocean is approximately 50% higher than natural levels. But yeah, lets blame mother nature
  16. http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSSYD22265820080715 I for one am impressed, considering that my biggest bender put me at $200 during my college years, and a lot of that was hard liquor. Doing the math though, that guy had to have a constant BAC over .3. So here's to you Mr. $1000/ week alcoholic :thumbsup;
  17. I'm glad someone got the reference. However, I expected you to get it Hail
  18. yeah I just watched the episode on comedycentral.com, and laughed my ass the whole time. . The band was impressive for how old they are. I remember working at Darien Lake a bunch of years back, and they didn't sell out the PAC there. So, I snuck in to watch the last hour of their set, and was blown away. Easily one of the best performances I have ever seen. Also, it was fun having Canadians get booze for me
  19. I agree, that is a cool way to deal with the homeless. I think it may not be as effective shipping them on a bus from colorado to california
  20. I didn't know Sketch and Pinkie Pie were super liberal?
  21. good find cincy, and yes i am really surprised that it was a 17 year old girl. Heck in some states, the girl wouldn't have been underage. So, what I guess I am saying is that I am suprised that it isn't a 12 year old boy
  22. Man that kid is a pu$$y. I think the kid was torturing the interrogators by being a whiny little B word
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