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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Ok I think it is now even Hamas is supporting Obama, and the KKK is supporting McCain. What a balanced election we have here.
  2. I'll actually answer yes to that question, because an educated person will be able to differentiate opinion from fact. But when you have such a bias like Fox does, your less intelligent viewers take the extreme opinions as fact. That in and ofitself is dangerous
  3. Yes, I agree with what you are saying. However, to go completely off the opposite end of the spectrum doesn't give the network the right to say they are "fair and balanced". What they could say instead is that they "are the counterbalance to the liberal bias."
  4. cute. But the bolded part is true. However, a good portion of the libs don't live and die by Olberman's word. For whatever reason, some republicans believe every little bit of garbage that is spewed out of O'Reilly's and Hannity's mouths. They live and breathe as Bill and Sean tell them to. What bugs me is that a sizable portion of the Fox News viewers only watch that station and never take the time to get other perspectives on a given subject. Since this portion of viewers only listens to Fox News and nothing else, they end up rather ignorant or biased, or in this case with racist views.
  5. Come on, what makes the those two shows as funny as they are, is that both of use a lot of truth to their stories. I found a good example of Colbert using a lot of truth that may be displeasing to the Republicans/ Fox News viewers ears. to you man. hail
  6. No, I did not defend him on using the "n"-word. What I said about Nas is if you don't focus on the "n" word, you can see the painful truth about life on the streets. Personally, he is a hypocrite for saying the "N" word, but if you pay attention to the rest of his message, he makes some very good points. Again, you are trying to put words in my mouth that I am not saying.
  7. Did you not read what I said? I said it was hypocritical...
  8. What was missed in that article that was probably more important is that the Lucky Charms picked up Quinn Gray as well. Gray is a formidable backup who has done well when Garrard and Leftwich have been hurt http://www.nfl.com/players/quinngray/profile?id=GRA766862
  9. This is happening 2 to 4 years too late, IMO. At this point, let W. go into obscurity back at his Texas Ranch, where he smoke all the pot that he wants without Cheney chasing him around.
  10. Yeah, I get that Colbert is going to make a joke about stuff, but most of that stuff in that short clip was pretty racist. Ok, I am going to assume that you are white as I am. I know that as whitey the devil, I can't say the N word without some repercussion. Now as hypocritical as it is, young black men can drop the "N" word without anyone blinking, because the hip hop/rap culture has allowed them to own that word. What you miss out on by focusing on the "N" word, is the truth and pain in Nas's rhymes. Nas brings up some very valid points about Fox News's racism and propaganda, especially Geraldo's rap. Also, nas did a very diplomatic thing, petitioning against Fox News like he did. O'Reilly also showed his ignorance on Nas and his rap by calling him a "thug". Anyone who understands Nas's rhymes, would know that he is one raps about rising above the adversity of the mean streets The reality is that Fox doesn't show as much as news as they do opinionated rants from people from the right. While I agree the each media outlet has some bias one way or another. Fox really should not be claiming they are fair and balanced, especially with O'Reilly and Hannity on that network.
  11. Nas, petitioned a bunch of people who are sick of Fox News' racism and general propaganda against people in general. During the episode of the Colbert Report, they brought up several examples of blatant racism on Fox. Nas was very diplomatic IMO about his approach to the discussion. In addition O'reilly's remarks about Nas's rhymes further proved his ignorance and bias. Full Episode bit by colbert about Fox's racism Nas Interview with Colbert Nas- Sly Fox rap There were some excellent points made by both Nas and Colbert's crew. I still don't see how people can watch such a biased hateful news network.
  12. nice. The video almost looks like it could pass for a sesame street video Just imagine your 4 yr old daughter singing Mixed Up Son of a B word
  13. That is a bush-league ruling there. The guy was selling live recordings of Elvis. Now, if you record some conversation on your answer machine, you technically own the dialogue, and the other party of the conversation doesn't unless he or she has a recording of their own. Since Elvis and more specifically the record label did not record those feeds, the record label is not entitled to any cash from the sale of the distribution of such recordings. If anyone has a case for any part of the money, it is Elvis's estate and not the record label.
  14. ... he was a 3rd rounder. In general, you don't waste a 3rder on a ST, except for Coy Wire . I think the son of satan had it in his master plan for Crowell to eventually earn a starting job.
  15. agreed, his stats were overinflated IMO because he was the only good Minnesota receiver for years, and he lasted a long time. Personally, I think Carter eventually belongs in, but Monk does not because his numbers were strictly for longevity. If Art Monk makes it in, you can make a case for Vinny Testaverde to be in as well
  16. John's advice is pretty good. For me, last year I put on about 20 lbs pretty quick after breaking my foot. My friend little Debbie was there for support, as well as Mr. Labatt and Captain Morgan. This year, since I have cut down on those 3 things I am back under 210 and lost 25 lbs. so far. thebug had a good idea with the beer and chicken wings, but you can't do that long term. So, I would follow John's plan, though it will cost you the cash that you are wasting on groceries. Trying to gain/lose weight is a B word, doing it without monitoring it is much easier.
  17. HBD to JiS, Cajun, and get well and enjoy your BD Millibank
  18. I oughta buy him a beer then again I might get sued if he killed someone.
  19. Do I really want to know why you are having fantasies about men with dreadlocks? Or fantasies about Lumbergh for that matter?
  20. Good find. That is pretty funny, but the record industry is crazy to do what they do. If they were to say focus on getting more from the concerts, and worry less about the some 12 year old girl downloading the Pussycat Dolls, they would probably be looked at in a more favorable light than they are at this point.
  21. They made her wear wig. Her hair was really nowhere near that white. RIP...
  22. cool, when I was that little I probably would have emptied out the machine before getting out
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