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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I am speaking the truth that even the most conservative positions of mine usually get ripped apart by Philly. Kinda like you tearing apart Adam's post.
  2. Solid post Adam, I can't say that I disagree with any point on there. Cue the republicans to flog me in 3...2...1...
  3. Wow, you missed a golden chance there to pick on me for being a liberal :-P. However, I\'ll gladly accept your praise and jealousy about my gf yes, I can be a typo machine. I admit that, and I get a good chuckle out of that little flub.
  4. Of course, KD brings politics into this discussion Most level headed people would want to kick this boy's ass, and make sure he has a lengthy stay in the penal colony of attica. Regardless of politics, most would agree with Jack and say this guy should have had a $500k bail for this atrocity.
  5. ... because we don't want to look at women contaminated by the radiation of Philly
  6. remember these were Canadians. They didn't what to think about this. I mean after all, once they fled the bus, they traveled down the only road in Canada
  7. So Trent and the boys decided that they would be cool and let their fans download their album for free on nin.com direct link: http://theslip.nin.com/ So here is the deal, you give them your email. Then they email you with a link and code to download the whole album in whatever preferred format. enjoy
  8. But it is safe to say at least 80% of those who are supporting Johnny Mac voted W. twice. Is it not?
  9. McNabb did get an 11 yr deal or something like that EDIT: archived link I found
  10. that very convenient... and probably a better idea than reading the cripple fight between them two
  11. I agree with you here. Too bad, we don't have a true conservative party anymore.
  12. says the group of people who voted for a guy twice that believes he "has talked to God"
  13. I don't think that any of those work out right. That is what I was saying. Yes, each side has their bull sh--. I just don't see a man shooting up a place because of the liberal bull sh-- They are both tragedies, yes. However, one of them is politically motivated and is the reason that we are talking about it. While it is sad to see a drunk man unintentionally kill a few people, I think it is sadder to see a man intentionally kill a bunch of people for a bull sh-- reason.
  14. Eh, you kinda missed the point just a little there. They may be fighting for "equal opportunity" to jobs and housing, and the worst of them want free money. Now you and I both know that the equal opportunity in many ways is government mandated reverse discrimination, but the original intent was to prevent blacks from getting discriminated from a job they were qualified for. I am saying that they sip their own Kool-Aid too much, and can be a drag on society by wasting our tax dollars. You and I both agree the the liberal simpletons can be wasteful; I am just saying that they aren't as dangerous a nut-job shooting up a church.
  15. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: smiley would be appropriate here. Gotta how you guys attack the post so mercilessly here, especially if they don't believe in the right-wing bull sh--, i mean agenda. Now there are left-wing simpletons too that buy every little piece of B.S. that they read too. However, they are fighting for affirmative action, equal housing, and more money from the government. While they can be a great strain on the society, they aren't shooting up churches or bombing planned parenthood clinics. Yes, this shooter is in the extreme minority, but if he had received a more positive, open-minded message, he wouldn't have snapped on a church with a dissenting view.
  16. about the only post I can agree with here. Now, JSP i love the caring affection you displayed for me , but I still stand by what I say. Our gov't is in deep sh--, and unless we control our spending and up the taxes to make up for our deficit, my generation and every generation after will suffer for the runaway spending that has occurred over the past 8 years.
  17. when you create blind hatred, the horrific effects can be limitless.
  18. More like an impressionable simpleton that was corrupted by Fox's propaganda machine.
  19. Well we traded Price for McBadknee, so really we traded Peerless and for TE, Stroud, and ah You... somehow the son of satan still looks good in this light BADOL, I disagree with your argument based on the fact the Bills pass D was hurt immensely by injuries. Losing Ko Simpson was the biggest loss on that D last year
  20. I hate to say it, but maybe I was right to be criticizing Fox News in the other thread.
  21. Most coaches with common sense would not do such a thing
  22. Wow, that is very insightful , and pretty insulting to me at the least. I am broke as sh-- right as i have to wait for my first paycheck until the end of august. Now, I just got a job that pays pretty decent, so the way I see it is that i have to suffer a little in the short to benefit in the long term. But since I am a poor person, who is living off of the ~$100/wk settlement that I have, I guess I am an uneducated fool that will run my life and finances into the ground .
  23. Don't you know, only a select few in media have a pair. As much as I hate him, O'Reilly is one of them, and Rather has a large set too.
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