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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Yes, I agree with that statement. However, a wise one can learn from another's mistake.
  2. I didn't say to abolish Dept. of Homeland Security. I just said it could be cut down to pre- 9/11 Big Motherment levels. As far as a consumption tax goes, the rich are always going to find loopholes around paying taxes in the current tax code. If the poor had some pre-determined amount (based on income) of $ given to offset the cost of taxes they will pay, I'd think it would be fairer than current tax code. You are right, I do have some conservative views. However, I get labeled as a liberal when I disagree with the conservatives, but I'd consider myself more moderate than liberal.
  3. Why does age matter? Wisdom transcends age.
  4. However, that was a liberal thought
  5. Considering how little of the budget is spent on it, I didn't see it as a big issue. However, I do believe it could be cut out, as education is technically a State's Right and not a Federal one. That said, some states would let their schools get even worse than they are now without Federal intervention. The No Child Left Behind Act meant well, but was underfunded and had too much emphasis on teaching to a test as opposed to teachers teaching in depth of content. This is one dept, that either should be purged from the Federal Level or better funded, because the middle ground it is at, leaves it ineffective in quite a few ways.
  6. Wow, thanx OC. I feel so touched I have said that they are racist POS's that are an embarrassment to black people. I hate that anyone gives either of them the time of the day, as they are about dividing America up. Now, I am critical of any network that gives these guys face time. However, I have yet to see anyone (meaning hosts of shows) on those other stations give out severely racist remarks. I never saw Russert or Blitzer say crap like "taking out" a black candidate. Everyone knows that FOX panders to the conservative end of the spectrum, which means that most Republican people will watch only FOX News. In general, the other news stations come off as liberal because most of the scandals and controversial issues in our government come from the Republican Party. However, I do not see that as pandering to the liberals, because the truth is generally pretty amusing (see Ted Stevens). It is also very safe to say that the majority of the racists against blacks are from the conservative school of thought, and in general support the Republican Party, while FOX is the network that they can identify with. You argued with Elliot for 3 pages in a relatively short time on the internet. Yeah that is a cripple fight. Also, FWIW, I do not support affirmative action in its current incarnation, so nice try at a futile attempt to slam me.
  7. First off, that unneccessary war in Iraq. Though it is time to make the Iraqi's start paying. Then again, if you occupy a country, you must use its resources . Second off, the Department of Homeland Security. Even after one major attack on our soil, I still do not see the need for all of these extra bodies in this dept. Third the DEA, way too many people and resources being used in gov't for a "war" that we'll never win. Just legalize it and tax it. Fourth, I would prefer a tax code that made the IRS downsize. If done correctly, a consumption tax can work just as well without as many IRS agents. That is a few I could name right away.
  8. You mean abolishing slavery, giving civil rights to minorities, and social security haven't worked? You mean that the New Deal wasn't successful in getting us out of the Great Depression? Darin, you really have to stop drinking that Kool-Aid man. Seriously, you have such a slanted view of things that you can't accept the other side having a good point. Now, I am sensible enough to know the conservative thoughts have a good and valid point when used correctly. I am also cognizant enough to know there is some flawed thought to every approach. In general, it is about finding the common ground. However you promote a one sided board where level discourse gets out of whack very quickly, with attacks on the poster rather than the issue at hand.
  9. You really think that the country would have been worse off with Gore?
  10. Personally I'd rather have smaller government. However, you Republicans don't seem to believe in that
  11. ... and you are supposed to be the moderator Jesus, you wonder why this is such one sided banter on this particular board as opposed to civilized discussion. Maybe the name of this forum should be : Republican Opinions Only as liberal thoughts are welcomed at all in this board. The state of this board is indicative of the problems that are wrecking our country. Rather than seeing a liberal as a person with some different approaches to the problems than a conservative, the Republicans see things as my way is the only way, and your way is wrong. Now, after the past 8 years of Bush's rule, you'd think that some of the conservative thinkers might want rethink their ideals just a little, and open up there eyes and ears to what the other side might have to say.
  12. Hey not all liberals are for weapons control. Personally, I still wish that duels were legal , but instead we have pussified our country to the point where you can't even have a fight in school without a cop intervening at some stage. I remember being able to slam this one kids head against a bus after he tried to jump me, and he got in trouble for starting the fight and I got no consequences. Even for self-defense the kid will earn a mandatory 10 day suspension nowadays
  13. You haven't lived until you experience a night with Mary Jane FWIW, I experimented with a bunch of the fun drugs (mostly the hallucinogenics) , but weed is not anywhere near as bad as meth, crack, X, heroin, as far as short term and long-term effects. Hell, if you ever smoked a cigar, marijuana is probably about as harmful, or just a little more.
  14. Dude, that is the pot calling the kettle black. You attack every thought that is slightly left. Fact of the matter is that Unions do give the workers some protection. I worked for a couple different companies during my late teens, where the work conditions sucked horribly and the bosses would can anyone for even saying the word union. The one job I had, they had me as a minor working 65 hours a week for 40 hours salary. They got away with this by bribing the board of labor. I watched quite a few get fired for asking for a 20 cent raise from one year to the next. A union would have been the best thing to keep a lot of the workers from quitting the job. FWIW, this company went belly up as people stopped enjoying their overpriced and understaffed services, and has been bought out by a better parent company, which has unionized the company. My buddies who still work there got a 50% instantly, along with benefits and more reasonable hours (no salary bull sh-- for a crap job). On the other hand, I worked for NYS as a unionized maintenance worker on my college campus. The pay was great, and the downfall was the union would protect every POS that shouldn't have a job. There were perverted scumbags running around a college campus as state workers, and wouldn't get canned for their scumbaggery. Also, there was little incentive to bust your ass in this job, and could get away with sleeping on the job. The fact is some unions can be too good for workers which screws the company, where an un-unionized company can horribly abuse their workers. It is all about finding a great company that treats and pays its workers well enough to avoid unionization, or finding a union that does a great job in getting rid of the dead weight.
  15. Please Post more... PPP can use more sensible liberals here as the Right-wing loonies tend to ruin this board. FWIW, yes KD in CT is a rude poster.
  16. ... for baseball, it isn't a great market, and that was the point Darin. Jeez for a mod, you really do talk a lot of crap.
  17. by sayin that they got there in spite of clod tollins is the same as saying that he is going to lose you some games While he wasn't the one to carry the bills' success thru the late 90's, he has made a solid career out of being a journeyman backup. In addition, he had the toughest job in replacing a quarterback legend. The only QB I know of that replaced a legendary QB, and did very well with it, is Steve Young. the reality is that the expectations are going to be too high for the next guy.
  18. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5huNBePZ...c5yzQwD92BOAC00
  19. this is all i meant by cripple fight between Elliot and Philly edit: wow it was tougher to find that video unedited than I would have thought
  20. What? saying that them two going back and forth, with each other for 3 pages, is a cripple fight? If you don't understand why I said "cripple fight" and what i was referring to, then the meaning of the post went over your head.
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