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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Really? The two i was referring to are the National Enquirer and FOX News. and every media outlet should be ashamed to follow NE's and FOX's lead on this story.
  2. Only because McCain is no slouch of a candidate. It's not like Obama is going up against Bob Dole
  3. Unfortunately, I am not able to watch the preseason games . Oh well I'll have everything settled for when the real action starts
  4. When is the last time that a politician in this country was able to inspire so many people on either side of the aisle?
  5. from what i understood, she is not doing all that well (i mean in relation to progress against the cancer). There is a time to dig dirt on a guy, and now isn't the time. Yes, the Dems are being douches about it by forcing him to talk about, but that still doesn't absolve the two media sources that kept digging at something at a poor time. To tie in slash's response, if the woman makes a full recovery, then you can start digging and prying at this story, but exposing her to the media is a very cowardly move by all media outlets.
  6. sorry we have already been invaded by evil alien warlords
  7. Well, if you put it that way. Since Michael, Magic, Barkley, and Bird have retired, no one has captured the country like them guys. Instead, Shaq carried the league in the post Jordan era, and only LeBron and Kobe have come close to the popularity that MJ and Magic had since. If you compound that with 70 dollar upper level tickets for crappy teams and the thug element, the game has really done a lot to push itself away from the mainstream. As a result, I along with a great amount of fans of the sport have been pushed away from the NBA and watch college hoops almost exclusively
  8. At least he is able to articulate his English a little better than your precious Morbo
  9. Really, what is there to research on this specific topic? The wife is on her way out, so let her die in peace and solitude. It's just common decency at this point.
  10. Of course he is going to lie . Anyone who has been exposed as a cheater, wouldn't want to have the truth come out. Now I was going of the impression from the first post that Fox News was the one that broke it. Now I bet after the story was broken every other network had to tag in. However, there should have been some journalistic integrity from whoever that broke the story. Now if the story was being exposed in January, I'd give kudos to the network for exposing the story. However, there was nothing to gain by breaking the story other than watching others' misery.
  11. now this is the b.s. i am talking about, instead of attacking my message, you neo-cons attack me . now I do not support Edwards cheating on his wife, but Jesus Christ the poor woman is on her deathbed. Maybe some things are better left unsaid, instead of being dragged thru the media. Fox News at the very least should have waited until the poor woman died before airing the story, just out of courtesy of the woman's pain as it is. I think this is a rather Bush League move on Fox News' part.
  12. I think you'll enjoy the part around 4:50
  13. Ugh... I hate the FCC for stuff like this. The FCC needs to just go hide in the corner of the library at the chess table with the dorky guy with plaid pants, oversized glasses, and headgear.
  14. This move almost reminds me of Bledslow going to Buffalo
  15. to go along the lines of the title Damn you Jared the Subway Perv
  16. well it puts you in a different type of stupor than alcohol
  17. Yes, I can agree with that, I am very fiery person with a repressed logical side that I tap in on occasion. It is good to see a sensible person on this board that can give a good assessment of a poster's character
  18. You know, I think we each make a point though. Liberalism is in one respect about personal freedoms where as conservatism is about the lack of government intervention. In some cases, like this one the line is blurred, as both sides were conservative and liberal in different aspects.
  19. Good Post. Yes, I would say that Boomer was right up there with Ken Anderson. Jeff Garcia I think would fall into the Brian Griese realm of a solid QB but was not on the same planet as the QB before him.
  20. As opposed to the few slaveowners who had power over the many slaves?
  21. For some reason, it sounds like the plot of No Country for Old Men
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