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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Bottom line, he wasn't considered one, as he publicly stated that he had no interest in doing so, as he intended on taking care of his wife.
  2. I'm surprised you didn't check the source of Canadian Idiot not being a parody.
  3. where he can make to love the childrens' buttholes RIP, Chef
  4. plus they would have gotten credited with a loss against the Jets, thus negating all of the perfect season hype
  5. oh great, not another one of these threads
  6. Its over and done with. Why dig dirt on a guy now, when he wasn't a Veep candidate? Seems like an agenda to ruin the man's life.
  7. Which is even more of a reason not to care about this topic.
  8. And do I look like some frostbitten hosehead? I never learned my alphabet from A to Zed
  9. even if it was a repub in the same situation, i would have no problem with the guy cheating, as long as he does his job. Also, I think you guys overestimate the personal lives of the representatives. What you are using is a very extreme example, IMO.
  10. Because he respected the party guidelines. Ya know, that thing kinda matters to some people, like the party they were running for
  11. Any given politician can be blackmailed for a bunch of different reasons. It is up to the politician to maintain his professional and legal responsibility to not give in to such tactics. Now, for something that is old news, Edwards did the right thing by not dignifying questions about his affair with a response. Let the topic die out, and fade away, as there are no legal ramifications of his actions. Now this is a rhetorical question, but do you have to be consistently insulting? Just because I do not see things they way you do, doesn't make me any worse or better of a person than you.
  12. the candidates couldn't campaign there, and even with Obama saying to voted uncommitted in michigan, many voters didn't know of such an option. To me, the inability to campaign in those states hurt Obama, as he could not get his message to the local voters, where Hillary was and is a known commodity. Thus, Hillary held a huge advantage in both states.
  13. I can't say it any better. Good post Adam
  14. It was expected of all candidates to not be on the ballot for both of those states, and more importantly not to campaign there. Howard Dean and the DNC made such requests to punish both states for breaking party rules. Those two states clearly had unfair situations that favored Clinton. If there were fair elections in both states, I would have counted on Obama being the one who would have won the popular vote. EDIT: those Texas results are the primary... not including the caucus
  15. Yeah i get it, I still don't care. I disagree with the whole our politicians have to be holier than thou crap. Otherwise, we wouldn't have anyone left to be a representative. We are all flawed in some way. Edwards cheated on his wife, but I do not neccesarily equate that to the slippery slope that you hypothetically created. Besides, the sketchy guys (not named Soland) are going to try to extort crap from elected officials anyway. If it isn't for cheating on his wife, it will be for something else.
  16. "Come on Mr. President, Clinton would have done it in a heartbeat"
  17. To say that she got more votes than him is a misrepresentation of the events that happened. After all, his name was not on the Michigan or Florida ballots, not to mention Iowa, Texas and a few other caucus states did not release their vote totals. So, it can still be disputed that Obama still received more popular votes than Clinton
  18. I don't buy into this moral value baloney. I can give a rat's arse if he has extramarital affairs, the real question is does he do his job voting for his constituents? If the answer is yes, then I don't see the problem. After all, its not like he was banging a hooker or killed someone while drunk driving.
  19. Well yeah, but I still don't support it though. The point is that the personal life should be respected, especially when situations are as morose the Edwards family is dealing with.
  20. O Rlly? and every media outlet is covering it now.
  21. McLovin, he is pretty much spot on. The NBA (minus Pistons and Spurs) has not been about teamwork for a while now. Allen Iverson is the classic example of what the NBA has become, it always has to be about the "star" of the team hogging the ball and shooting way too many times even though there are 3 hands in his face and 2 open teammates.
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