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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I would say 5 of the best not to win the big one are: Marino Kelly Moon Tarkenton Fouts the last two I can't say that I saw on anything besides NFL network/ESPN Classic replays, so i am gauging them 2 more on reputation and stats.
  2. http://img229.imagevenue.com/img.php?image...0_122_587lo.jpg Well, President Bush could have put a finger....
  3. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/editorial/5935532.html I don't know about anyone else's stance here, but I think contraceptives are a necessity to our society. I think there is a huge between a contraceptive and an abortion. Regardless of politics about abortion, I think "the pill" is probably one of the best things to happen for society as it prevents those abortions from happening. To take away the preventative measure would ensure more abortions, and to take it away from rape victims is just wrong as they have gone through enough suffering. I want to hear what you guys think.
  4. I know that Carlin once talked about the Foreplay Playoffs, Roller!@#$ing, and tag team masturbation
  5. It didn't stop Al Gore from making a corporation for finding Manbearpig
  6. I'm not sure that I would trust condoms manufactured in China After all, you can see that they may not be so successful as there are a billion people crammed in over there
  7. county/property taxes would go down as quickly as the education system would
  8. well he did, but not in the context you are talking about
  9. +1. I agree with every word. Warren Moon was right up there with Kelly, Marino, and Mr. Ed (Elway) each year, and would get a Pro Bowl appearance ahead of them guys in certain years
  10. thats some stojan, I thought the 92 Dream Team were the only true champs, as they crushed 3rd world countries with ease.
  11. Well, I find your argument fundementally flawed as your shot putter would also have to be great in disc, hammer, and javelin to be compared to Phelps. Just because swimming is swimming doesn't mean there isn't specialization within it. Phelps is just a once in a generation type athlete though. As a track guy, I would not be insulted by any comparisons to Carl Lewis or Jackie Joyner Kersee as Phelps is that type of dominant athlete
  12. During my teenage years at Darien Lake, I can say witnessed a few more disgusting acts in the food service, and I heard about a bunch more. Definitely NFSW Dude Interviewed by news
  13. I have to call you out on this one. What you are saying is kinda like everyone has to wear a size 10 shoe. With pole vault, the poles are rated for the athlete's weight and skill level. Your faster, stronger vaulters can generate more power. Thus, they can use longer poles as they can get some bend in these longer poles, and get up in the air. Due to a weight rating for each pole, if you had a 150lb vaulter and then a 200 lb vaulter, there is a fair chance for that 200 pounder to break the pole. So in essence, technology has given the smaller and bigger guys a level playing ground of sorts. The skill level is pretty much a good indicator of the results as you don't see too many unathletic bums getting 15 ft. In addition, even with better pole technology ( ) and better breakdown of technique, the world record hasn't been touched since former Soviet vaulter Sergei Bubka retired back in the mid 90's. Still no one has come within four inches of him, and he is the only person to ever vault 15 feet.
  14. It's hard to be empathetic to one group when this crap goes on all over the world, like Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, the Congo, Nepal, Colombia, North Korea, Phillipines, Israel, China and Chechnya.
  15. When I was training for 10k's, college cross country and decathlons, I had intake close to 6000/day, but yeah the metabolism at that level is redonkulous. and yeah he is a freak of nature, i mean light years beyond any other athlete in his sport. that said his split and Lezak's split in the relay were unreal, just sick
  16. Yep, TBD is now running out Marshawn for his hit-n-run, roscoe for being a smurf, and Edwards for his poor pre-season performance
  17. about as much as rickey williams running the ball 35 times for 72 yards
  18. hey because a man cheats on his wife, it doesn't mean that he doesn't love her necessarily. Jarhead, I agree with you whole post.
  19. no that was intentional... I was listenin to some Carlin on the way home, and he referred to slick Willy as "Clit'n"
  20. I do have to say that it is badass to get into a fight on your own wedding day. However, the restraining against him is just too funny. Hey honey, did you take the restraining order off me?
  21. the same way they calculated NYC having 7 million... they are probably counting within county or something goofy like that
  22. I know exactly where you are going with this. The real reason Obama caught a lot of the pre Super Tuesday attention was his relatively strong performances in the early primaries. He held himself up well against two known quantities in Clitton and Edwards. Since he is/was relatively new to the national scene, it was only natural to give more attention to the guy to find out more about him, like his crazy pastor.
  23. I didn't say that Obama won michigan or florida. I just said that had he been allowed to campaign/ visit those areas, his vote numbers would have carried him over in the popular vote IMO. Also, the Texas caucus voters probably were voters in the primary as well. However, the way the Texas system is set up, their votes can count twice, and since Obama destroyed Hillary in the caucus, I'd be banking the the number Obama voters there was significant enough to make an argument for coming close to or surpassing Clinton's vote total. As we have learned 8 years ago, you do not even need to win the popular vote to become pres. Also, yes the DNC encouraged candidates to pull themselves off the Michigan ballot, with the Keebler elf aka Kucinich unsuccessfully attempting to do so. However, I do agree that Gravel and others should have been invited to more debates. Though Obama got a lot of attention, I think he deserved a lot of it as he won 12 straight primaries and won some early crucial states.
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