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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. In some ways it is unfortunately true, where our brightest are not in the military, as the incentive for many of them to go to college generally outweighs enlisting during wartime. The only saving grace is that the ROTC program is alive and kicking on many campuses around the country. Frankly, I believe this what Kerry believes. However, in the sensitive eyes of Americans, it is a mistake to say something like that in the political realm. Given the amount of waste cases (intelligent or not) I have seen in schools, I am slowly turning my belief into thinking that maybe all American citizens should be required to do a year or two in the service. You wouldn't have too many problems with enlistment numbers at that point, and you would make use of many Americans who may otherwise be feeding off our system. In addition, maybe some of our people would benefit from the experiences of being in the armed forces.
  2. To address the original poster, Bolt was rediculously good as a teen. He got under 20 in the 200 as a 17 year old boy IIRC. So, he would have had to been juicing for a long time with some good masking agents, or the reality is that he is a freak of nature.
  3. I am well aware of this quote. Probably among the ones that cost Kerry the election
  4. Nice reference to our troops being retarded
  5. No wonder he listens to you. Considering a mater's degree can't be that high (or tough) of a degree
  6. Yeah, that is Rick being a douche. His brother Harold was a great Bobby knight style coach for wrestling. However, Rick has done a great job for coaching pole vault, as he also coached Mary Saxer of Lancaster a couple years ago who broke the national high school pole vault record. I still love that the announcers called out Rick on his doucheness
  7. Mr. Garrison: ...I'm Sorry Wendy, but I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
  8. There weren't inconsistencies with her service as much as a bunch of them didn't like what he said afterwards to get his political career started. All of the allegations about his service turned out to be false. Now, what I am saying is that Kerry got so much crap for that while Bush got a free pass from his own party and supporters on the same topic. That's a double standard to me.
  9. Wow, thats pretty harsh. If either candidate deserved to be questioned about their military record, it definitely shouldn't have been Kerry.
  10. Not really, when Bolt broke it, I searched up and down that site, and it was not there at the time... NBC pussyfooted around in getting that footage up. Also, when it was aired in America, it was on tape delay.
  11. I know Jen a little bit from when she was competing at Roberts Wesleyan, at the same time I was a decathlete for Brockport. Her vault coach was one of my assistant wrestling coaches in high school (until he quit on us). She seemed like a pretty ok person, but her coach can be a bit of a tool, imo. EDIT: she is relatively new to the event, and will be back in 4 years barring injury. In a matter 2.5 years she went from never vaulted to silver medalist in the Olympics and American record holder
  12. Leave it to the American political system to revert to theocratic tendencies around election time
  13. This is about as refreshing of a thought as a 25 year old disgusting looking dude taking a bath in the sink at a Burger King
  14. Si, yeah NBC has it on its site now. I hate how Viacom is a bunch of douches.
  15. Tattoos matter in the dark? I'm just saying for the casual find, !@#$, forget.
  16. That's unique slant there. He could have let off the gas without highstepping. However, I really thinking that he cost himself at least .15 by doing what he did. I think he still would have been pulling away from the field all the way. So, yeah I think he could have went 9.4's. That would put him in the same league that Flo-Jo was in 20 years ago, where she toasted everyone by a quarter of a second, and no one still has come close to her record. If and when Bolt goes sub 9.5, we may very well not see someone break it again for 20+ years.
  17. This is everywhere... especially with the big push for core subject only education. My opinion is that the student should learn a diverse amount of matter as in the long run, it allows the student to have more a diverse set of skills for the real world.
  18. Actually, I agree with this whole post. Especially this youtube link. As a teacher, I have to restrict my creativity, because the administrators I work under have no clue as far the utilization of technology into the classroom. People are afraid of what they don't understand, and as long as they close their eyes to all other views, they reject the creativity of the world.
  19. This could also screw the Erie Slayers for next year as well
  20. he was on record before the finals saying that he wanted to win gold, and wasn't worried about records.
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