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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. now I know what you meant, but why would people be pissed off at those who don't share their aholes?
  2. like buying a team thats 0 for the last 100, and used to be named the Chicago Orphans
  3. It goes back into our economy... and then China's
  4. I would be even more left if i wasn't pro-death penalty and heavy on punishment for ridiculously horrible crimes.
  5. Economic Left/Right: -4.00 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.10
  6. you do realize that the 3rd debate between them two is a town hall style debate?
  7. You realize that I quoted from the movie?
  8. Australian rules football at 1am was always entertaining as well
  9. why don't you make like a tree, and get the !@#$ out of here
  10. wait, we can have that, but we can't have the fyou smiley?
  11. That or the ACT is essentially mandatory to get acceptance into college
  12. happy 21st enjoy the hangover and don't get into a ton of stevestojan
  13. he was on of the enjoyable ones on the show. I always was fond of him, Berman, Olbermann (as a sportscaster), and Ley.
  14. But there is a lack of diversity in the NBA. You have your foreigners and your blacks but hardly any white guys anymore.
  15. Ok I take back the statement of neocons I threw around at most of you guys a couple weeks ago. Either this guy is a true neo-Con, or the counterbalance to molson.
  16. Funny clip mike, sadly the reason he gave on why he'd think he'd be fit to serve seems very fallacious to me. So, his mom is living in her 90's, but his dad died at 70. It would make sense for him to claim good genes if his dad was still alive. Also, the experiences he went through in Vietnam probably have taken considerable number of years of life away from him. What worries me most about him, is that he is having band-aids here and there while he is campaigning, which may be indicative of his declining.
  17. ... and mead got tricked by these award winning restaurants many times over
  18. hey i was actually shocked that, THAT is michelle kwan. That and I didn't want to post a picture of the Chinese "16 yr. old" gymnasts.
  19. I think this is some scary sh-- that we are propped up so much by potential enemies. Now, the original post and the article were very informative, but god this is sad that we are now the United States of debt . Though, it would be crazy for the economic nuke to go off; it would be the Great Depression all over again.
  20. quit hijacking my thread . Now if you posted some hot asian athletes, I'd be accepting.
  21. I can imagine you calling Scott just to bug the sh-- out of him.
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