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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Oi Vey! Can't we all just get along for half a second. I think that the Israelis are just as messed up and militant as the Iranians. I just wonder if it is our job anymore to keep the peace.
  2. sorry, I couldn't understand your Engrish. Now, please stop cheating in the Olympics, you little Chinaman
  3. elaborate. As I see it, he has been preparing himself for the past 2 years, where she just got onto the national stage two years ago. I'd put FDR ahead of Truman, but anyway. I do not see Obama as a token candidate this time around. He had to hold his own against Hildog, and they pulled out a lot of skeletons out of his closet just to keep it close with him. If you asked anyone a year ago, they would have thought that he may gotten some votes, but Hildog would be the presidential candidate this around. With him defeating her, I think he proves his worth.
  4. ... says the guy that would tap a sheep, Mecha-Streisand, and Janet Garrison
  5. They haven't replied on this topic to me , besides I don't come from Hamburger U either Crayonz FWIW Look up the Donahoe is the son of Satan thread or, the retatta one
  6. I'm just saying I wouldn't put it past him. Especially since he is a creepy dude, and he makes meazza look like an amateur with a young asian fetish.
  7. Well, that is what the McCain camp has used as an attack on Obama. Though I agree with you are getting at, I don't think I have said anything along the lines of McCain's experience being a terrible thing. However, my big worry is that I don't McCain can physically hold up the rigors of what the Presidency can bring.
  8. I'm sorry, i still see it as sacrilegious to play "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch, especially since you start the game with the "Star Spangled Banner". I believe that "Take me out to the Ballgame" is the only song that should be played during the 7th inning stretch Figures, Yankees ruin another good thing in baseball
  9. I thought Billy Ray would be that guy
  10. A bit of both i think. that and some fraudulently saying they live in a certain address to get their kids to be in a certain district.
  11. Ok, just to show my mathematical understanding: http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/STATS/table4c6.html has the actuarial life table that I used in the previous post. Now since McCain is now 72 years old there is a 3.01% chance of him dying in the next year (assuming he is the average statistic). Now assuming the figures stay relatively the same for the during of the possible McCain presidency, the chances of him dying when he is 73 are at 3.60%, at 74- 3.95% and at 75- 4.34%. This means that in each of those years he has a 96.99%, 96.40%, 96.05%, and 95.66% chance of living through each of those respected years. To find the chances of him making it through all 4 years to his 76th birthday, you would multiply each of the percentages together. So, when you multiply .9699*.9640*.9605*.9566 you end up with .8591 or 85.91% chance of him living to his 76th birthday. So assuming that he wins the election, that means that Palin has a 14% chance of taking over as President. This assumes that everything with McCain is in working order at this point and he is at the average condition for a 72 year old. Now, I firmly believe that the 14% is a tad misrepresented as it also doesn't account for a higher probabilty of McCain's body giving out at a time before death, thus I believe the likelihood of Palin being thrust into the Presidency is somewhere around 30-35%. That said if McCain were to perish or step down in the first 2 years, then you would have somebody in office that is less experienced on the national stage than Obama (is at this point) taking the oath. Unfortunately for McCain, I think he just threw away his best selling point to the voters.
  12. I'm just about to leave, so i'll have to explain the math on this one later. But this is accurate unlike 3.5 EDIT: I thought this was going to post at 730, as I went to watch a football game
  13. Using the actuarial life table set up by the social security administration, I started to calculate McCain's life expectancy. Assuming that he is of average physical condition (which I don't believe he is close to), there is an 86% chance that he is lives the next 4 years, and 68% chance he is lives the next 8. Now that may sound pretty high, however this doesn't include mental stability and any debilitating condition that could arise. So, it is quite probable at the least, that McCain won't make the full term without a major illness that removes him from the Presidency. Now, I'd be very afraid to leave the keys to the nation in the hands of someone that hasn't been part of a major political scene for all that long. If J-Mac was to have problems within the first year, I'd be afraid to have Palin in office. I would have rather seen a Mutt Romney, or Pawlenty thrown in as the Veep nominee
  14. don't be throwing me into your little rants. I think I have apologized more than once about throwing the neo-con label at you and others.
  15. This begs the question, who did she blow to get the Veep nomination ?
  16. yes. However, it gives me a new reason to call him Ocho Homo
  17. it is a guarantee that some of those are lost after this. I guess they had 5 years worth of chances to clean up their act. This county lost and will lose all premier talent athletes that are hoping for college scholarships. If Clayton County had kept their accreditation, all of the student athletes who transferred would have to sit for the year. In addition, all of the college bound seniors that are supposed graduate this upcoming spring may have to take a GED just to get a state recognized diploma. FWIW, my county and other ones have been getting an influx of new students from that county that is just amazing to see. My classes are bigger than I had originally expected, but C'est la vie
  18. nah i am in Douglas. But I think it is funny, because I turned down Clayton, because I thought their system was sh-------. Good thing I had some good vision there, or else, I'd be screwed out of benefits which I start getting on Tuesday.
  19. Man you know it isn't a good thing, when the guy hires his employee at an adult video store
  20. nah... though i don't mind invading a woman's after lubing her up
  21. Sullivan just proved to be just as big of a douche as Rick.
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