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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I went to pick up a 6 pack of Guinness on my way to a BYOB party tonite and it was rediculous to see so many cars lined up. I had a B word of a time trying to get to the register to have the Hindu dude to ring me out
  2. Turn off your firewall. I have to do that for everytime iam using youtube
  3. Over here in D-ville, I watched gas go from $3.49 last nite to $3.66 this morning to $3.99 after lunch. Man they weren't kidding when they said that people freak out down here when a storm is anywhere remotely close to us
  4. True, but that My Yami team was one of the worst teams of all-time.
  5. The 3 times i have been through Hartsfield, I haven't had issues with sanitation or flight problems. The only issue I had was getting a rental (even when reserving the car, the bastards lost my rental). That said, it is nice to be down here away from the city.
  6. Well it said he was attending for elementary education he'll no longer be able to do that.
  7. Vlogger SxePhil on YouTube put together a little song about Note: for those who are not familiar with today's pop/hip-hop culture you'll probably miss half of the humor of the video
  8. Two slants to this: 1. The Republicans are garbage pickers 2. The Republicans believe that throwing out tiny flag is a federal offense.
  9. Molson, good find. I didn't see this before. Frankly, I hadn't seen much of Biden since he ended his run during the primaries. I am actually impressed with his ability to get the crowd going.
  10. I think so as well. I was gonna make a wisecrack about Harriet, Lana, Lori, or Aussie, but they have been too nice to me to warrant it.
  11. Red: Hey Waterboy Boucher: Yes, Mr. Coach Beaulieu Red: You're fired!!! RIP
  12. It took me 6. I was on a 5 year plan, with one year lost due to health reasons. So, I ended up with 6 years on a 5 year plan, where I was a resident assistant, a 3 sport Division III athlete, and worked 20 hours a week for campus maintenance in the years I wasn't a RA. Would you discriminate against me and my 3.0 average? Besides if we were to raz on candidates academic records, we could go on about McCain not being qualified because he graduated fifth from bottom in the naval academy
  13. Wait JK and Molson aren't one of the same? That said, candidates are like people you are dating: You have to let out the crazy little by little, or else you scare the sh-- out of the girl you are dating, or in Palin's case, the voters.
  14. ...behind a crap line with David Carr as his QB. That speaks volumes about how good he was for a younger RB.
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