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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. A politician's unfulfilled promise is not as obvious as a pretty visible shortcoming of the other candidate. If the politician is not living in the times of today, then he can not govern as effectively as someone who is living the experiences of the modern times. I see this as a legit issue about McCain being old and out of touch.
  2. Wow... I would love to have her in that position
  3. politicians brag about being in touch with the people, and it is quite evident that McCain is not in touch with the people of this day. As much as I bash Bush, I can at least give him the credit of being able to check the internet, and even uses "the Google". I think this is very symbolic of McCain's perceived lack of understanding of the average American's life. Also, I would find it to be a very poor idea for a CEO to not know the basics of his main product.
  4. In a world that relies heavily on technology, it is imperative that the leader of the free world is relatively up to date with modern technology. McCain's current computer skills are an indication of his willingness to keep with the times. When you have a government that is so anti-technology, you end up with leaders that preach ignorance (see the Islamo-fascists).
  5. yes indeed, especially when there is no balance on that board.
  6. shhhhh. You might offending the Churchies on the board Are you saying that your buddies dad caught his son with another boy?
  7. I dunno, it may be better here than the Politics, Polls, and Pundits board.
  8. IDK, plastic ****dolls don't belong at work in high office, but it would be entertaining to see what would happen if VPILF got into office early.
  9. I see that you constructively superimposed yourself onto a Hawaiian license. That seems like a much better and constructive way to spend your time, instead of bitching about a 6rd draft pick from 2 years ago that shouldn't have been starting
  10. You are right the converse may imply the original statement.
  11. QFT As much as the boy probably should have known better, the dad is still responsible as he was a teen before and should understand just a bit
  12. Usually there are not that many centers drafted high for whatever reason
  13. they shut down the one feed i was on last week, so the guy opened up another feed. PM me for the link... I am hoping the guy opens up the channel soon
  14. I'll PM you the one that worked last week, but there is no guarantee that he opens it up this week
  15. Ok, this is going to be a dogfight that should see multiple 100 yard rushers and efficient passing. GO BILLS!!!!
  16. i'm just busting your stones. nothing more, nothing less
  17. I wish NY's old atty general was still there, as opposed to losing his career to hookers.
  18. i think your detector has been out of batteries for a while... especially after lookin at your PPP posts
  19. Wow, Deano, Wow. I am betting that you had a field day during the Olympics with all of the Chinese on the TV
  20. That pig could have fed all of the people that fled Houston for a day. In other news, George Wendt could have fed Reliant Stadium three times over
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