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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. happy b-day to all. Also, geggytah. All I want to do is to thank you, even if I don't know who you are
  2. Yes, he didn't produce up to the standard of a #2 receiver, and in those given years, he couldn't and didn't beat out a subpar #2. Now if he was that great, he would be easily beat out Price and gotten more balls thrown his way. Again, he is performing that level at the moment, so no big. As I stated earlier, I am eating some humble pie. So back off, you insensitive jackass
  3. 7, but he couldn't beat out Peerless Price, who was an underwhelming #2. Jeebus christ, we are arguing over history of Josh Reed.
  4. Wow, you got that out of my post I was saying that Fairchild didn't call enough deep passes, and Reed didn't fit that system. He fits this current West Coast-ish offense better. That said, he didn't start much those years, because he couldn't beat out a burnt out Peerless Price.
  5. It allows you to bank on weather. So, if you know that the rainstorm will subside by the end of the 1st half, then defer and take the ball in the 2nd half
  6. Wow, I am getting flamed again for this. All I am saying is that Reed didn't produce up to standards that you would hope for a #2 or #3 receiver for a few years. He appears to have gotten himself back on track. Yes, receiver depends on the quarterback and offensive ability. However, Reed battled injury in '04, and that excuses that season. However, in the following two years, he didn't earn the trust of the QB enough to warrant enough throws. Yes, the playcalling sucked, but a conservative offense that refuses to throw the ball down the field would allow for a possession receiver like Reed to get more throws. That all said, I am happy that he is finally playing at the level of a #2 receiver.
  7. Yeah, I can agree with that. I just find it hard to say that he was good in '04-'06
  8. 04-06 He was mediocre, never breaking 40 receptions in any of those 3 seasons. You'd expect more from a starting receiver, like his stats from last year or better.
  9. At least they called Higgins for dancing excessively after Whitner drilled him.
  10. ... and a couple more where he was not good, not bad, just mediocre
  11. You choose to defer, so you can have choice at the beginning of the 2nd half. This means that the Bills can still get the ball in the 2nd half, where if they elected to kick the ball (at the beginning), the Raiders can choose to receive in the 2nd half (as well)
  12. ok you are calling me out. Yeah, I am eating some humble pie at the moment.
  13. haha... good job troll, you almost were able to talk some crap. Now enjoy your time in the black hole, which ironically is the nickname of the city of Oakland.
  14. At least it is not to the point of when Bleedslow and company were the chic pick to win the SB that was some insanity As far as the original poster is concerned: Denver has a soft schedule and could go 13-3, or 14-2 and then choke in the playoffs. Just my $.02
  15. Nah, we are saying that McCain is Bernie. That would just make Palin a necrophiliac
  16. Darth Vader Happy B-day. make sure you kill Luke and Yoda, and say hi to Natalie Portman
  17. Yes, I concur that the Raiders blew a first rounder on Jamamarcus Russell last year.
  18. same idea as slash "Mecha Streisand has been retaining too much fluid in her chest manifold. It is imperative that we can't let her discharge the fluid"
  19. Happy anniversaries. but I thought this was a thread about 9/11
  20. If I hadn't bet my avatar already and lost that bet, I'd sure as hell take your bet. Now, how quickly Raider fans forget that without Ralph Wilson (Bills owner), Al Davis and the Raiders would have went bankrupt during the AFL days
  21. HBD man. Come back, you are one of the valuable posters here
  22. At least you said it that way, and not the other way
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