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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. That's because Ed is Jesus H Christ. This means that they won't attack his Jewish/middle-eastern blood Meanwhile, my Irish Catholic blood is fair game for rottweilers
  2. I figured on Iraq that McCain would have pimp slapped Obama there, which really almost happened the other way around. Whereas Obama could have pointed the finger on McCain and the earmarks he has supported, and been stronger in his accusations on McCain. Neither really wowwed me there as McCain at times looked out of touch, and Obama looked nervous as hell w/o the teleprompter.
  3. I have had students wearing "Free Mike Vick" t-shirts I can agree with Jeff, let them raise the prices, so these idiots won't panic to get 1 gallon of gas.
  4. I thought Obama could have been stronger on the economic end, and McCain could have been on the foreign policy end. In all, I did like the little graph. I thought it was interesting that the independents line was consistent with the blue line quite often. Also, I found it odd that the Red line rose a lot on certain Obama talking points.
  5. Not calling him an idiot, but it is not wise to call anyone an idiot when you can't post with the modern conventions of the English language. It's like George Bush saying Saddam is an even man for killing so many Iraqi's, and then killing many himself (though not at the same level of course).
  6. good maybe we can watch the hot coffee patch in San Andreas now.
  7. Yeah, I brought my bike down here, I was appalled at how bad the roads are for riding bikes around here. I have almost gotten hit a couple times, and attacked by dogs another time.
  8. To the whole post, not necessarily needed. What a college can do is encourage more male applicants to apply to the college. So, at this point the college will have to accept more boys into the school. From here, this will alter the Title IX numbers by allowing the college to give more scholarships to male athletes. Therefore, a college could find a way to advertise in a way that would target high school boys (i.e. promoting majors such as video game design or another male predominant major). In turn, the male applicants would line up and stack the deck in favor of the male athletics programs.
  9. While I agree with the point of the post, I have to laugh at the poster that calls a player "an idiot" and then proceeds to spell dancing wrong.
  10. No wonder my cash deposit last week was held until wednesday by WaMu I thought I was going crazy here.
  11. Yeah, this is a case where I think media coverage is hurting the situation, and artificially creating the situation. Good for me that I only drive for 13 miles/ day, and tank up every other week
  12. Is this some joke about eli being gay? cuz all I read was "Eli... come from behind"
  13. Yes, this is all true. Really, I haven't seen monstrous lines, but some stations here (about 20 mi. west of ATL) are out and taped off like crime scenes.
  14. what makes it worse is that the only 4pm game for Fox is a Dallas game
  15. eesh... that must be the benefit of good recruiting before him. His teams will probably get progressively worse
  16. Might have some skin disease from sleeping with a callgirl in recent weeks
  17. You have to earn the position. It took him a while to do so. Thus, he had to take the opportunity. uh huh Darin, again you go with the insults. Too proud to admit that another school of thought may have some points If you are this much of a jerk when you are sober, I can't imagine how bad you can be when you are drunk
  18. You realize that you are arguing with me about a point that i conceded on at the beginning of the thread. I was wrong on Reed. Jesus Christ. I am saying now that he is finally (IMO) playing like a true #2. So where the hell is the problem? Now, you are looking like a fool when i said "So, once again: Reed not beating out Price != me lauding Steve Farchild" != means "not equal to." Sober up a little bit and talk to me tomorrow.
  19. Yes, he couldn't beat out Price, but that isn't the same as me "lauding Steve Fairchild". Again, you are stretching here big time. So, once again: Reed not beating out Price != me lauding Steve Farchild
  20. Yeah, I have that on my computer, and remember that as one of the songs we would play before my 110 pounder games for Airlanes (little league football).
  21. Jesus Christ Darin, you are looking for something to argue with me about, to the point where you are putting words in my mouth.
  22. Which reinforces the point that Reed was mediocre. To answer your second part, I just think that you are a jerk that resorts to insulting people when you don't agree with their points. I think you are a pathetic shell of a person that feels the need to put others down to suffice his ego.
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