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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. I may be a bit contrarian to the rest of you here. Pre-season is important for determining who should be on the roster. Every team sport has at least a month of training and a couple weeks worth of games. The problem is that with the NFL playing such a brutal game injuries are a guarantee regardless of length of preseason. Due to the brutality of the game, the NFL should drop preseason to 2 or 3 games, and allow roster size to be greater. On the other side of the coin, when training camps were more brutal with the 2 a days and contact practices, it seemed like the athletes were in better condition to deal with the day to day abuse. So the NFLPA may be wise in their negotiations to relax their practice demands a little in the preseason. Even boxers train by getting whacked in the head from time to time. The biggest problem with preseason is that the owners typically charge full price for an exhibition which is horsecrap.
  2. Dolphins Woodley and Strock aka WoodStrock... worked out well enough to get them to Super Bowl in 82 season and bad enough that they drafted Marino afterwards
  3. +1 In camp today, all 4 QB's looked a little more polished than 3 weeks ago, with Cassel making the biggest gains.
  4. Super Mario as well. He is the only player every football fan in Phoenix would know is on the team.
  5. Dave trusting Rodney Harrison with anything incriminating against his former teams is like trusting Mike Tyson with human cartilage. Based on being caught cheating twice in the last decade in a systemic way, I'd be inclined to err on the side of caution. Besides, hiding mics/cameras in the walls, vents, etc... is not that hard. That is how the creeps and gov't get away with snooping on unsuspecting people. As I said before, I was under the understanding of Spygate that the spying took part with video equipment on the field, audio bugging of the coaches, and hacking into the other teams' audio equipment. The Colts will not find anything as there is advanced warning to remove the bugs.
  6. I doubt former * players would give then-current coaches bad intel knowingly. The **** could have easily removed cams/mics before inspection.
  7. Lol at BuffaloBraves of Nfl. I trust Cassel to throw the ball 10 yards down the field and under. To throw it deep when we are down, not as much.
  8. I thought this was covered as part of the allegations of Spygate
  9. I know that it has casually been mentioned in other threads, but I am just wondering where people's thoughts are on this subject? I find it bizarre the Cassel is not getting any game reps at all. Normally, that is a negative sign so early in the preseason.
  10. Rex's one son is McLovin Seriously the only thing missing from this is Tugg Speedman and Kirk Lazarus carting Jeff Portnoy around to the drum of Rex.
  11. Thanks for the visit. Hopefully one of our teams finally makes and the playoffs this year and very wishfully hope that one of us finally wins a Super Bowl. Tyrod and EJ did pretty well, and Johnny looked more at home against the 2's and 3's than last year against our 1's.
  12. Considering Dungy has been out of the league for years, I do believe that this was also investigated as part of the Spygate scandal back in the day.
  13. CowgirlsFan secretly has a crush on Buffalo Bill
  14. In full disclosure, my old man was nailed for similar stuff a long time back. There is a dysfunction for these type of people, which some can cope after paying their time and others can't. As much as everyone would like to have black and white on this type of issue, unfortunately there are many shades of gray. I know of high school seniors being charged for kiddie porn for receiving/taking pix of their girlfriends who are 16 and 17. That is the lightest shade. I also know of some of the most heinous stuff that can be the darkest, most indisputable shade. The biggest thing to take away from this is that the victims receive help dealing with this situation and that Fogle's wife and children figure out how to cope with this. Considering how much Jared and AIDES are involved in this, I hope they sit behind bars for a considerable amount of time, receive therapy, and aren't allowed near children without supervision upon release.
  15. As long as it isn't the stuff that Jared Fogle was watching, I think we'd be okay with laughing at that.
  16. The Tuck rule was scrapped two years ago. So when you tuck the ball in and lose it, it is a fumble. The penalties challengeable should be unbounded, but still limited to the 2 challenges/game rules that we have now. Ie you can challenge a holding call, but unless it conclusively was not holding or another infraction, you lose your timeout and challenge. Or a PI call where the DB was judged to have hit early, but the replay shows that the timing was correct (we have seen this called before). Another is the the launching rule, where your player may be saved ejection if replay shows that he didn't target the head and stayed on the ground. Edit: the NFL should bring back the European league to develop talent regardless of profitability. MLB subsidizes its farm teams so they don't go belly up as you know those Rookie League teams wouldn't be able to afford the salaries of 35 players when 400 people show up to the game; the same should apply for football, where they play the game with NFL rules and develop the brand overseas in the process so they can have their own startup leagues flourish as well.
  17. Challenges should be extended to penalties across the board Kickoffs should be moved back to the 30. Football is a game of violence, deal with it, pay the retirees for their pensions a reasonable amount instead of gouging the fans for bloated salaries of today's players and the tax payers for new stadiums. NFL owners have it really good compared to European soccer teams who have built their own stadiums with significantly less Domes should be banned, football is a game meant to be played in the elements If you are South of the Mason-Dixon, it should be mandatory that you have a grass field. Turf is rougher on the body than properly manicured grass. College rules for passing should apply, ie 10 yard contact zone, pass interference, etc. Kelly's suggestion about varying levels of pass interference. Roger Goodell should receive the Shoeless Joe Jackson treatment and be banned from the league 65 years after his death and counting. Expand the gameday roster to at 60 players. More players rotating in = less injuries due to lower fatigue and wear tear Expand the practice squad to 10, same rationale as #9. Tom Brady should receive a flag for every instance of whining :-D. His credibility is 0, and he should never be allowed in the HOF. Start the season earlier as the January classic should be in JANUARY. Start the season even earlier and add in another bye week at the minimum, reduction of big injuries. The Patriots should be force to forfeit games that they cheated in, The NCAA is actually better at sticking to a team or player than Goodell. The 18-1 season should have had a loss week 1 as the Pats were caught cheating against the Jests. John Madden should be forced to work every Thanksgiving, just so we can hear him say "grumble grumble grumble Turducken" and then scribble all over the screen.
  18. hiyoooooooo
  19. ahh that makes too much sense.
  20. Wow, the idiots are out in full force this weekend. The drafts the last few years have been decent enough, last year's draft alone has 3 starters Sammy, Preston Brown, and cujo/henderson, this year Miller will start, and if McLovin is hurt, Darby will have a good chance to start, 2 years ago Woods and Duke could very well be starting week 1 as well. Turrible thread.
  21. GG with all due respect, the first snap was at EJ's helmet. With the padding a QB wears, that isn't as easy of a grab as a receiver would have. As a center in my youth, I know full well that I was getting yelled at if the snap was below the thighs or above the shoulders, the same should apply for a pro center as well. The second one looked like EJ making an audible and the center snapping it at the wrong time, which could have been a forgotten count or hearing something that was similar to the cadence. Overall, I felt that cassel is Kelly Holcomb 2.0 at this point. Weak arm and has to work the field horizontally because he can't work it vertically. Tyrod is an exciting player with the potential to be a solid starter, and EJ looked capable against 3rd stringers, which he should as a former 1st round pick.
  22. Goodwin is fast, but not as fast as some with pads on. Long Jump is his specialty, but he is a formidable sprinter. That said, 11th fastest in the NFL sounds close to right. Aaron Williams got hosed on his rating more than some of the D-talent. That said, DonkeyKongSuh and Wake being rated higher than Dareus and Mario makes no sense. You could make a case for DonkeyKong over Dareus, but Wake over Mario only if you are smoking more weed than Ricky Williams. Typical Madden anti-Buffalo bias.
  23. I thought the offensive line of today was going to be called erection connection with Ed Wang- Levitre- Wood being the left side of our line. I thought Rob Johnson was going to be good until serving him as a busboy when I was 15. I thought Erik Flowers was going to be good. I thought Gronk was gonna suck. I rooted for the Pats* in that Raiders game until the tuck rule.
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