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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. shhh... Stop introducing facts to TSW, the place may implode.
  2. "After further review the Dolphin cheerleaders are trannies"
  3. eh, i think delivery verbally would make or break the joke. Then again I am a few beers into the night right now
  4. ESPN copied the wrong image http://accuscore.com/option,com_acc_nfl_ga...207/game_id,68/ It says Bills are favorites 50/49
  5. Dean, I respect ya, but I think you missed tgreg's point. He wasn't justifying or defending the kid at all. He was simply stating the popular opinion of experts, in regards to behaviors of psychopaths when they were kids.
  6. BIDEN: Look, the people in my neighborhood, they get it. They get it. They know they've been getting the short end of the stick. So walk with me in my neighborhood, go back to my old neighborhood in Claymont, an old steel town or go up to Scranton with me. These people know the middle class has gotten the short end. The wealthy have done very well. Corporate America has been rewarded. It's time we change it. Barack Obama will change it. IFILL: Governor? PALIN: Say it ain't so, Joe, there you go again pointing backwards again.
  7. You mean that Janeway or 7 of 9 doesn't have a sex scene? You mean that I have started watching Star Trek for nothing
  8. So I guess "early withdrawl" means Todd is a pre-mature ejaculator?
  9. Damn, at least there are hotties on the planet to watch
  10. Hey Scribo HBD man. Always a good poster with a few quotes like "I want VD more than Ngata." of course VD meant Vernon Davis.
  11. You posted everything and still missed the point. look at how much more they scored in the second half in relation to the first. More of the games, the Bills played much, much better in the second half.
  12. 'Tis true. People forget that the Bills during the Super Bowl years were much much better in the 2nd half. They would generally start off slow and pick it up throughout the game.
  13. Actually that Oiler game did sell out, but not before the blackout deadline had been extended and passed by.
  14. oh be nice deano. After all, if you spell her name backwards, it says "I Moan"
  15. Lori you gotta stop robbing the casket in the same way meazza robs the cradle j/k
  16. as opposed to the anal rape you've been exposed to in the locker room? By the way, I am still the MVP and you never deserved to be special teams captain with me last year.
  17. he is trying to prevent idiots like SwiftBoat from !@#$ing up the election EDIT: and it never said anything about arresting people.
  18. so you are going to take them at less worth than online polls? As much as I usually disagree with Molten, he does have a point.
  19. Ok who slipped poison into his salad dressing? RIP
  20. You should, I am pretty close to quitting, because I am in a no-win situation in the job I am at.
  21. yeah essentially Hey, if you think that I am bad, you gotta see the pieces of work that are in our school systems Some of them are more evil than Tom Donahoe.
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