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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. 6'3 215 Ran a sub 4.5 40 as recently as 3 years ago. Can I be a WR?
  2. "Cocaine is one hell of a drug" -The late Rick James
  3. I would love for her to be more vicious in Terminator. That said, I love the av
  4. From what I have seen, the Bills were running right and to the middle too much, especially with Preston at C and Butler out. The only success Lunch or Jackson has had is either running left or bouncing way outside. I'll also agree with predictable run play calling (something the Turk needs to improve upon). FWIW, Edwards and the O haven't been the same since the concussion.
  5. Don't worry about Joe, he is just enjoying the limelight of being promoted non-stop by Sarah Palin the past 2 months.
  6. nice, pandemic reference. IMO, this weeks hero will be Derek Fine. I liked what he showed last week. Last time, we had a young TE that had a game like Fine did last week was probably Riemersma or Lonnie fuggin Johnson. I think Fine has some potential, and could be this year's Kevin Boss
  7. as bad as that one is I'll give JPL the benefit since he actually did more than RJ. So : "Rob Johnson is the future of the Bills"
  8. For fear of lawsuits, I am not putting them up.
  9. for once, I don't envy Hefner. For playboy, those girls are 5's or 6's, which still translates to about an 8.5 for the average guy. That said, I can say with confidence the last few girls I have dated were on par or better looking them two.
  10. Thank you Holcombs_Arm for another of your non-contributions to the board
  11. $1.98 I knew there were a few perks to moving down here. That said still not worth idiots down here. I encounter people daily that make the average wall poster seem like Oxford grads
  12. in no defense of the hef, but i think Al Davis is the only thing on this planet that can be called "a creepy sad Skeleton"
  13. cute, but we all have free reign to criticize her, as she could have been potentially a heartbeat away from being our President. Kinda like the right wingers can criticize Ted Kennedy, who could have been President if he hadn't killed a girl while drunk driving.
  14. That is better than what I did. My kids were mostly pro-Obama. I said that I think both candidates are both great candidates, but I am voting for Obama. I was quick to correct my students who said that McCain was a horrible human being by pointing what he has done for the country.
  15. You really should live in West Palm Beach
  16. Well I put my Obama Slamma vote in, on tuesday. But then again, maybe outside of PPP, the rest of the board could be relatively liberal. Also, he did get over 50% of the vote. That said, I am surprised that Bob Barr got as much as he did.
  17. the closest i think that made for argument of the supreme court would be the 9th amendment: Existence of other rights for the people. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people Or possibly the 14th: Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Otherwise, the gays have to wait their turn, as the minority that bends over for society at large.
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