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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Still, a real fan should never, ever say that sh--. Now, I am at least being cool enough to say that we shouldn't shitcan the guy right away. I think most of us are up cuz we are so sick to our stomachs that we can't sleep.
  2. There is a difference between blindly accepting mediocrity and saying that the team should f---in move. One is being a fan, the other is saying "I can't cheer for my team because they lose" A real fan would put a paper bag over their head than talk about moving the team
  3. You know I personally would have gone further, however I don't blame him for pulling up there. I just hope that Trent is able to pull it together next week
  4. By running it, Jauron forced Crennel to waste his T.O.'s. Had Lindell made it, It would have force Quinn to go 50 yards in 30 seconds w/o timeouts. Hindsight is 20-20, now if that kick goes through, then no one is complaining. He had two options: Go with the QB that was playing like sh-- most of the game, or give the kicker a chance with a slightly long FG into the wind. Given the way the game was playing out, I can't fault DJ for that game.
  5. Hey, just a little exaggeration. I'm glad you enjoyed it
  6. Let me add that Lindell didn't miss due to lack of power, he missed on accuracy... I am not lumping the loss on him, but it was still a reasonable distance for a FG even with the wind
  7. Arrrgh!!!! I read this earlier in the BBC. I have to say that I am impressed that piracy is still alive in other areas besides the internet, let alone in the oceans. Good thing that this didn't happen 4 years ago, or we might have been back in Somalia.
  8. Ok, you have a QB that struggled all night, and you are driving deep. Now, conventional wisdom is to not take the risk and shatter his confidence. Now, I am not the biggest Jauron fan. But I am going to stand by his decision. Think about it, no matter how the Bills lost tonite Jauron was going to take a good deal of the heat. By losing this way, it is at least better than Edwards getting picked for the 20th time of the nite. As for the jackasses that are talking about the team moving: !@#$ Off!!! If you can't stick by the team, through thick or thin, go cheer for the Pets*, Dolfelons, Clots. Lets look forward to the Chefs game and hope for the team to get healthier. -justn
  9. that guy is the man. He streaks all over the world and is banned from many countries because he streaks at major sporting events. They really should do a "Real Men of Genius" Commerical for him
  10. http://gizmodo.com/5088937/woman-stabs-rap...an-ipod-charger
  11. Ok, in the past ten years we have shifted from 3-4 Wade to 4-3/3-4 hybrid (wade) to 4-6/4-3 D under greggo to 4-3 (Greggo/Mularkey) to Tampa 2. Everytime you shift scheme like this, you have to get a ton of a new personnel. The problem with our D is lack of depth, which is exposed every time we have a large number of injuries. You put a lot of thought into something that could quite possibly set the team back another couple years. I can agree with the personell that we have, that a 4-6 may be work for now, as both Scott and Whitner are agressive SS's
  12. Wow, while reading Lori's post, it reminds me of how huge of a school I am teaching at down here in GA. Roughly 2000 students in the school
  13. To the Dean, Women are like blackjack, he knows you can't hit on them when they are over 21. j/k Had to take the cheap shot on the cheap shot artist
  14. Let me be the first to say, I see no way in hell that Saxby Chambliss loses to Democrat Jim Martin down here in the GA run off. I think that the people down here are too conservative in general and the votes for the 3rd candidate siphoned away votes from the incumbent Chambliss. Also, since there is no vote for Obama, i think that less black voters will be at the polling stations. So, Martin is S.O.L. therefore, I do not see a way the Dems get a filibuster-proof 60 senators.
  15. Well, that is the whole crux of the episode. I wouldn't rate it as the greatest, but there were moments that were funny to those who have been tortured enough to watch such drivel from Disney.
  16. oh come on, take a look through the thread, it went downhill when you started suggesting some bad choices for the hottest in their prime.
  17. I won't be there but what the hell is a "MNF Game Tread" ?
  18. 31 pages in, and all i have learned is that Steely has much lower standards than the rest of us. Sophia Bush (IBTC member) one another and another
  19. Yeah, but you'd tap Janet Reno So, this doesn't say much.
  20. agreed... I got tortured by the girls I coached last year through that stuff. I agree with Sage that they are evil just like the Sound of Music.
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